Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

I had 4.11P1 installed here and then later uninstalled. Now I want to install P3. The launcher offered me “update” although I did uninstall 4.11 before. After that upgrade process, the whole 4.11 is gone from the launcher and it doesn’t offer me to install it again, I can’t access it at all. I deleted the 4.11 folder but same result.
What can I do to get it to show in the launcher again?

NM, got it solved. I cliecked on Add New Versin and it showed my 4.7 to install, but when I clicked in the down arrow in the 4.7 button it offered me to switch this button to 4.11. A weird interface, but it worked at least

This issue has been in since 4.8 and still isn’t fixed. Material Graph doesn’t refresh properly.

To me the major issue about UE4 Editors is the memory, my has 16GB, when i open my project the editor shows “Mem: 1.038 mb”, 15 min later after a few changes (like copy/pastes) it reaches ~“12.000 mb” and starts frozzen. So i need to restart editor everytime it is near 12.000mb, it is so annoying. I think it is maybe because the number of objects you store in memory so the user can make “undos” e “redos”

Hey, great work. Any reason my builds aren’t running? If I double click on my exe I get nothing at all! Any command lines or whatever to encourage things?

Hey, great work. Any reason my builds aren’t running? If I double click on my exe I get nothing at all! Any command lines or whatever to encourage things?

Have you compiled with VS2015? If you need in-depth assistance in getting up-and-running, please make a post on the UE4 Answerhub in the Installation & Setup section.

Hey, great work. Any reason my builds aren’t running? If I double click on my exe I get nothing at all! Any command lines or whatever to encourage things?

I had a similar issue, make sure your antivirus isn’t blocking any UE4 processes from running. I had to uninstall Avast to let my projects run.

[= Ellis;459152]
Have you compiled with VS2015? If you need in-depth assistance in getting up-and-running, please make a post on the UE4 Answerhub in the Installation & Setup section.

I’m fine with building my projects in VS2015 - My projects don’t contain any custom source (they’re source projects though), but they contain plugins which have compiled fine for v4.11 and my projects have converted to 4.11 fine. My problem is when I choose any of the build modes and create my shipping or develop versions. In my windows no editor folder the exe is sitting there but won’t run or even do anything when I click.

My Plugins are the UE4_OSC plugin and 's Victory plugin with all of the functions I don’t need/won’t compile commented out. (They work fine in the editor and If I run the standalone game mode it works too).

How would one experiment with the new VR feature : “Stereo Layers” ? Any documentation / example on that?

To the users who have macs, and have installed preview 3. What’s the performance differences between metal vs non metal?

Deterministic cooking “bug-finder” commandlet

How to use this stuff ? Is it a part of cooking commandlet?

Update on my exe-not-running problem. It wasn’t the preview at fault - it was the sqlite plugin. The author just updated it yesterday (thank god! - for me) and now the build runs fine. Interesting that there was no message or any sign that anything was happening when I tried to run my app before - you’d think there would be some kind of error message or log?

TLDR: Not a problem building with 4.11


[= Ellis;437457]

Networking Updates:

Packet handler system

Easy interception of packets for things like encryption, compression, etc
Added CryptoPP, and packet handler components that support it out of the box

This is very encouraging! I spent the better part of last week trying to tunnel client/server traffic through SSH or over VPN and neither worked. I can’t use Unreal for my current project unless I can encrypt the data but as long as I know this is in the works, it’ll be easier to convince the rest of the team that this is our tool.

Are there some examples of how this could be used in a C++ project?

ConfigCacheIni changes in 4.11

Unreal Build Tool has drastically changes in 4.11. One of them is ConfigCacheIni which is currently limited only for sections:

{"AppxManifest", "CommonSettings", "/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "/Script/AndroidPlatformEditor.AndroidSDKSettings", "/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "/Script/IOSRuntimeSettings.IOSRuntimeSettings", "/Script/WindowsTargetPlatform.WindowsTargetSettings", "/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings", "/Script/PS4PlatformEditor.PS4TargetSettings", "/Script/XboxOneTargetPlatform.XboxOneTargetSettings", "/Script/HTML5PlatformEditor.HTML5TargetSettings","PS4SymbolServer","/Script/EngineSettings.GeneralProjectSettings","/Script/XboxOneTargetPlatform.XboxOneTargetSettings", "/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings", "InstalledPlatforms"}

I see this commit: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/aa286c723ed7c5f17fc28c124b8ca8ffa3cb3a49 and there is implemented new ConfigCacheIni_APL which is copy&paste from original ConfigCacheIni with small modifications… It’s redundant…

Is it possible to use original ConfigCacheIni in own plugin for other sections without implementing new one?


What about UE-7019 ? It makes almost impossible to create 2d game with a high contrast dark/light graphics. It’s more than a year since it was reported. Yes, there is not many games with this type of graphics but the bug also prevent anyone to use point light in an orthographic (2d) view.


Any more info on the lighting channels? Is it finally possible to filter out objects from being lit with dynamic lights. For example cavern interiors?

Not sure if I should post it here or feedback forum.

Import FBX into Level
I saw developers are working on this featuretrello.com/c/z2g0pU1D
I asume it’s for 4.11.

Recognizing the instances sounds awesome and should improve my workflow.
With speeding up workflow in mind, I was wondering if more is added into this tool like:

  1. Setting an appropriate Lightmapsize either based on:
  • object name, for example lm256_ or lmMedium/Small/Huge where you can set what size each type is.

  • automatic calculation based on surface size the lightmap needs to cover

  1. Option that objects in a group are merged into one object.
  2. Will a specially made Collision Object still attach to the right object?
  3. For Archviz you ussually uvw-map box and UE4 does a decent job making a Lighmap for most objects. I’m a bit concerned UE will on generating Lighmaps. I could send a 3D file of a complicated scene with bad geometry for testing (converted from Nurbs :P). I know that the generated lightmaps with crossing tangents extremely slow down light baking (weird how extreme it increases). So those you still need to fix manually :stuck_out_tongue:


Could someone please try the following on Mac with Metal with an nVidia GPU (preferably GTX 700 series):
1, Create a new project from Blueprint > Vehicle Advanced
2, After the scene loads start rapidly scrolling out of the scene with the mouse wheel.

Sometimes this locks up my editor completely.

Thank You!

StagedBuilds ( x64 , Development Build wont start.)
Engine :



Any more info on the lighting channels? Is it finally possible to filter out objects from being lit with dynamic lights. For example cavern interiors?

Hi Gmi,

The lighting channels are fairly straight forward. They can only be used with Dynamic lighting and dynamic objects.

You can set the channel(s) in the lights details panel under the “Lighting Channels” category.


You can easily test this in a scene by setting up several objects and setting a point light for each that has overlapping radius and three lights and 4 objects.

In this example, I’ve got 4 assets (3 shapes and the floor) and 3 lights with each their own lighting channel.

In the image on the right all are using Lighting Channel 1. On the Right, only the shapes are being light by an individual light channel with the floor not using any light channel for lighting.

StagedBuilds ( x64 , Development Build wont start.)
Engine :



HI CLBander,

Can you post this in the Bug Reports sections of AnswerHub with any relevant information to reproduce the error? You will also want to include the logs. You can reference the link in my signature for how to submit a bug report for the relevant information we will need.

Thank you!