Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

[=gameDNA ;460167]
ConfigCacheIni changes in 4.11

Unreal Build Tool has drastically changes in 4.11. One of them is ConfigCacheIni which is currently limited only for sections:

{"AppxManifest", "CommonSettings", "/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "/Script/AndroidPlatformEditor.AndroidSDKSettings", "/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "/Script/IOSRuntimeSettings.IOSRuntimeSettings", "/Script/WindowsTargetPlatform.WindowsTargetSettings", "/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings", "/Script/PS4PlatformEditor.PS4TargetSettings", "/Script/XboxOneTargetPlatform.XboxOneTargetSettings", "/Script/HTML5PlatformEditor.HTML5TargetSettings","PS4SymbolServer","/Script/EngineSettings.GeneralProjectSettings","/Script/XboxOneTargetPlatform.XboxOneTargetSettings", "/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings", "InstalledPlatforms"}

I see this commit: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/aa286c723ed7c5f17fc28c124b8ca8ffa3cb3a49 and there is implemented new ConfigCacheIni_APL which is copy&paste from original ConfigCacheIni with small modifications… It’s redundant…

Is it possible to use original ConfigCacheIni in own plugin for other sections without implementing new one?

ConfigCacheIni was changed for better efficiency during building in 4.11 by only keeping the sections it needed as you noted. Some way to add extra sections will likely be in place for 4.12, but for 4.11 I copied the original functionality into the AndroidPluginLanguage.cs so the build process for plugins could still access any sections it wanted in the APL XML.

Hey guys can we still use flow maps with the new hair shading model? How else would we drive the Anisotropy direction?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hey guys can we still use flow maps with the new hair shading model? How else would we drive the Anisotropy direction?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I’m fairly certain that’s what the “Tangent” input in the hair shader is for.


Could someone please try the following on Mac with Metal with an nVidia GPU (preferably GTX 700 series):
1, Create a new project from Blueprint > Vehicle Advanced
2, After the scene loads start rapidly scrolling out of the scene with the mouse wheel.

Sometimes this locks up my editor completely.

Thank You!


  • Tested on a MacPro 2013, probably no bug there
  • Built a debug version from 4.11 branch, I get these when it bugs:

[2016.01.25-18.41.46:688][309]LogMetal:Error: Command buffer 0x618000295a90 failed!
[2016.01.25-18.41.47:043][314]LogMetal:Error: Command buffer 0x610000485eb0 failed!
[2016.01.25-18.41.47:201][317]LogMetal:Error: Command buffer 0x610000486180 failed!
[2016.01.25-18.41.47:551][323]LogMetal:Error: Command buffer 0x6100004861d0 failed!

oh thanks jessiegray88. I will give it a try and see if that’s what this is for :slight_smile:

Thanks for that quick demonstration :slight_smile:

About :
They can only be used with Dynamic lighting and dynamic objects.

Does that mean strictly movable lights, or will “stationary” be sufficient… ?

Thanks for that quick demonstration :slight_smile:

About :
Does that mean strictly movable lights, or will “stationary” be sufficient… ?

Stationary lights will support it as well. The lighting channels option is grayed out when the light or object is set to static.

Hey guys, just came across needing TMap in Blueprints and wanted to see if this is coming in 4.11 or if I should go ahead and make a custom type to handle it in the meantime. Thanks and hope is doing great! :smiley:

[UE-2114] - Access to TMap and TSet via blueprints - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

Lighting channels are AWESOME. A much needed feature. Thank you so much guys !

Adding lightmass portal to blueprint mesh will engine when pressing Build.

Adding lightmass portal to blueprint mesh will engine when pressing Build.


Can you make a post on the AnswerHub in the Bug Reports section with this one? I did a quick test and was not able to reproduce this in 4.11 preview 3. I simply placed a lightmass portal in the level and added to a BP, then built lighting.

If you can include the call stack from reporter along with your machine/epic id, your logs from your saved folder in your project, and any additional information with the setup that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

[= ;460725]
Hi Gmi,

The lighting channels are fairly straight forward. They can only be used with Dynamic lighting and dynamic objects.

You can set the channel(s) in the lights details panel under the “Lighting Channels” category.

How about the performance impact? Does it have any?

Hi guys!
I’m having difficulties to test my (Advanced Vehicle Kit) project in 4.11 Preview 3.
I’m experiencing something really strange, which i also have reported on the answershub (4.11 quits without error or log - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums).
In sort, the problem is that, when i press play and start driving around with the car, the direction doesn’t matter, after a few meters it will instantly quit and leaving me without any error/bug or log report, so i can’t find the cause of this problem.
Here is the video:
What can i do in this situation?

Thanks for working so hard and give us regularly updates. Can you say when the feature request UE-19768 (Auto T-Pose) will find it’s way in a release. I think there are still many people using T-Pose models.

How about the performance impact? Does it have any?

There is some because the object is casting shadows in that channel, but since it’s not casting shadows on the entire level it’s not as bad.

Thanks for working so hard and give us regularly updates. Can you say when the feature request UE-19768 (Auto T-Pose) will find it’s way in a release. I think there are still many people using T-Pose models.

This is listed as Backlogged currently.

While this may be discouraging I wanted to take this opportunity and share an article that Preussnner wrote that goes over the process for new features and feature requests and why they may take a while or may not make it into the engine. I think this article is a good source of information for anyone who may not be aware of Epic’s process for features.


Are there any plans to overhaul your foliage system? We’re getting tremendous performance hits in ways we wouldn’t on something like CryEngine or even Unity.

Is it normal that my project closes down when I try to change the font style of a text in UMG?
I cannot seem to be able to do it for some reason, even on newly created UMG widgets.

I’m assuming that this thing is the error that’s causing it:

[2016.01.27-10.39.53:504][320]LogTabManager:Warning: Cannot spawn tab because no spawner is registered for 'BlueprintProfiler'

This is what the log shows before the. I’m assuming that the tab for selecting font style has something wrong.

Are there any plans to overhaul your foliage system? We’re getting tremendous performance hits in ways we wouldn’t on something like CryEngine or even Unity.

I had an answerhub thread about this but they don’t seem to have any plans for this.

but I did have some interesting findings while messing with all the settings (even got to decent performance with thousands of trees and quite long view distances). so maybe I can help you.
is the performance hit on the CPU or the GPU? what are your polycounts for every LOD?
things to try:

  • Make sure your foliage is set to Static (not Movable)
  • for every Element of every LOD in your foliage meshes, uncheck ‘Enable Collision’. you’ll still get actor collisions but it will ignore decals and other per-poly checks. you can leave this enabled for the trunk section of LOD0 if you really need it.

[= ;461383]

Can you make a post on the AnswerHub in the Bug Reports section with this one? I did a quick test and was not able to reproduce this in 4.11 preview 3. I simply placed a lightmass portal in the level and added to a BP, then built lighting.

If you can include the call stack from reporter along with your machine/epic id, your logs from your saved folder in your project, and any additional information with the setup that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!