Unreal Editor ue5-main branch (5.5.0)


The USD stage level sequence unloads every time a level is ‘simulated/played’, unlike all versions of Unreal Engine that kept the USD level sequence loaded.
This means that the USD (usda) file has to be reloaded via the USD stage editor after each simulated playing of the game/level.

I understand that the ue5-main is a beta version of the engine, but this is important (for our project pipeline) and I hope it can be fixed before 5.5 release.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create new USD stage.
  2. Load USD model into the USD stage editor (.usda file).
  3. Go to the outliner, and open up the UsdStageActor details. Note that the USD level sequence icon (stripey film clapperboard) is visible and loaded.
  4. Simulate the level by clicking the green arrow icon (in the main menu bar).
  5. Stop simulation of the level (press escape).
  6. Go to the outliner, open the UsdStageActor. Note that the USD level sequence is now unloaded (and it says ‘none’ where there should be a ‘level sequence’ icon).

Expected Result

The expected result is that the USD level sequence stays loaded (and does not unload every time the level is ‘simulated’.

Observed Result

The actual result is that the usd level sequence unloads. To make the level sequence load again, the USD stage needs to be refreshed. A time consuming step (especially when it often crashes on reload).


Windows 11.

hi @Malloch

The version used by UEFN is nowhere near that of ue5main

The version used in Fortnite is not published.
The code for extra functions like the opening menu is not publishing and Epic Internal only, mainly due to the development work in Verse.

AFIK this is NDA code to only certain developers.

Fortnite UEFN is beta so there are no guarantees.

Working on UE5 main, just because you search and find Fortnite procedures which are hooked to plugins which Fortnite uses.

Fortnite UEFN and Unreal Engine Standard 5.5 are COMPLETLY different,
Only a few months ago UEFN was running 5.4.1

Hi, thanks for your response, but I’m reporting a bug in the Unreal Engine (ue5-main branch), not the Fortnight version of UE. If you have thoughts about how to work around the bug, please tell me.

hi @Malloch ,
Report an Issue in Ue5main, but this repository has recently had the issues function removed and only appears on the released version

Looking in the log file this is a plugin

LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin USDImporter

So this can be changes outside ue5 source
Moving target a long way from production quality, if you do fix it send a Pull request, may be accepted or form the basis of a future fix.

Know its tough, but that’s the world we independent developers live in