Unreal Editor in VR - Official megathread

Hey so first of all let me tell you how much I appreciate this VR Editor. I have been looking forward to it since the dawn of New VR (2013 :wink: !).

I only spent half an hour in it so far so I’m sorry if some of my complains already have solutions (or if I just missed the answers).

First of all it seems I have some resolution issue, both in the VR editor or simply in VR mode. Everything looks likes the DK2 resolution, even though I am using the Vive or Rift CV1. Is there anything I can do to improve that ?
Also, the Vr UI seems even lower in terms of resolution and I have to get my head very close to be able to read text on it.

When I first started the VR editor I had a lot of weird graphical artefacts but it disappeared after a while. I’ll try to take a screen if it happens again.

Is there any way to rotate an object using both controllers without messing with the scale ?

I asked this question days ago in this thread but can’t get an answer. The editor works on my Vive but the resolution does indeed look lower than DK2.

Perhaps you’d be better posting as a separate question because everyone wants to talk about different things within this thread.

Hey so I downloaded the github preview of 4.13 and managed to figure out how to compile it and get it running with the editor. I am pretty thrilled to be able to work with this. A couple of issues though. I can’t seem to get the snap to ground to do anything or I am not understanding it properly. I also noticed that the video demos showed the user being able to basically “alt drag copy” without needing to go into the thumb button to hit the duplicate button. I didn’t see how to do that in the tutorial but that would be awfully useful. Even more useful might be a snap to surface ability. It could function by snapping vertex/face to vertex/face or pivot point to pivot point or pivot point to surface normal… I don’t care I could work with any or all of those but it would significantly speed up my ability to throw down some content. I would also absolutely love the ability to lock transforms (and selections) on various actors (I am pretty sure this has come up in the forums even beyond just the VR applications) as it’s too easy to miss the manipulator and accidentally select and move the actor directly behind the one you mean to manipulate.
Aside from that wishlist… I also seem to have a problem building my lighting. I get a swarm agent error. I suspect it has to do with my compiling of the engine. I am an artist that happens to have a bit of tech ability but no real programmer. Any suggestions on how I can circumvent this problem and continue working with the preview build so I can still use the VR editor?

Is there a way to lock objects from selection or movement while in VR editor?

I have locked my ground in the regular editor, but then in the VR editor is selectable an moveable and I keep moving it accidentally.

I had this as well. Try building lightmass.exe in Visual Studio again - it’s in the panel on the right hand side. Right click on it and select build.

Thanks everyone for the feedback!

This snaps the selected object to the closes object underneath it.

With the VIVE this is done by pressing the button above the trackpad and then you have to drag.


It is kinda dirty. UE4 doesn’t have this feature, because it isn’t really necessary in the conventional editor. But you can do this by running the editor with the argument “-VREditorDemo”. This will make the tutorial not appear, but also, when you put “Frozen_” in front of the name of the actor it will not be movable by the VREditor.


First of all it seems I have some resolution issue, both in the VR editor or simply in VR mode. Everything looks likes the DK2 resolution, even though I am using the Vive or Rift CV1. Is there anything I can do to improve that ?

We will look into this.

Thanks ,

That will do for now, but it seem like it would be a very good feature for the VR editor is way too easy to select the wrong thing and mess up.

I am using the editor with my architecture students and I am getting a lot of feedback, and this is a common problem for all of them.

Ooh that is awesome! I would love to hear all the feedback! But are you using the binary version or the latest from github? If you use the latest version I would love to hear feedback regarding the new gizmo.

No, we have been using 4.12, but I will compile the latest version today, I didn’t know the new gizmo was already up. Should I get latest 4.12 or 4.13 ?
The gizmo is one of the other things that they have been complaining the most. For them is too different to what they are used to from other 3d packages so it breaks the flow of totally immersed design.
I am happy to compile some of the feedback from the perspective of architectural design and send it to you.
We are mostly experimenting or even theorising if you like of what is going to be the future of design.
The fact that they can be designing in a model 1:1 scale and instantly pass to a 1:100 or any other scale is ground breaking.
If at some point we get BSP brushes then it will be the ultimate architects design tool.

Thanks again for the awesome feedback.

If you get the latest from this branch: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/tree/dev-vr-editor you are good to go!

What software do the normally use ? The new gizmo tries to make it easier to find the handles and is located on the pivot point. The previous gizmo was bounding box related and that made it sometimes hard to select certain handles. The new gizmo also has a more intuitive way of rotating, so I would love to know what can be improved. One thing I am certain that needs to be added is displaying the current values, start dragging value and the delta between those.

Sadly, BSP or any object that doesn’t have regular collision, such as lights, cannot be used currently. We will definitely do this in the future!

Actually I was using the 4.13 and just loaded the 4.12 preview last night to see if I could get my lightmass working (it does) and I noticed that I liked the gizmo from 4.12 much better than 4.13. I found that the gizmo from 4.13 was getting buried in other objects when trying to lay things on the floor and it was way too easy to accidentally select the floor instead of the manipulator. I do find myself switching between the manipulators though instead of using the universal one to keep the clutter down and accidental moves. Oh and it would be great if we could use that ability to use both hand controllers but lock the scale so that we can move/rotate without accidentally scaling as well.

As for the locking/unlocking of actors… That is actually something I have wanted in the conventional editor for some time now. It’s a huge convenience when trying to lay out props in an interior space where it’s super easy to accidentally select walls or floors. If there is even a way to just put things on to layers and lock the layer that would be enough. (or probably better actually) Much like Photoshop or many other programs the ability to see a layer but make it unselectable is a major frustration saver. Even locking the transforms would be a little better but it would still be annoying to lose your selection every time you miss the manipulator and hit a wall.

Oh and thanks for the tip about using that button above the thumbpad. I will try that today.

The snap to ground didn’t seem like it was working in 4.13 but I loaded 4.12 preview today and I will try again. I may just not understand how it works though. Is it snapping based on pivot points? Vertices? Face normals?

Well you can switch between the gizmo’s using this command: VREd.PivotPointTransformGizmo 0 or 1. 0 sets it to the old gizmo and 1 to the new.

I don’t really understand that it is getting “burried”. You can see and select the handles through meshes. The new gizmo also aims to be more consistent in scale, are you saying that it is too small ?

It sounds like the example that you give that you select the floor accidentally while trying to select the gizmo handle has more to do with the “light press”, do you agree with this?

The new gizmo also has less handles and thus less clutter (the back side of the rotation handles shouldn’t be rendered to make it even less), making the universal gizmo more usable. What is your take on this ?

Maybe I got a broken one? The translate handles on mine seem to stretch to infinity but they are just a pipe with no arrow or anything at the end of it. (So maybe in fact the gizmo is now massive and I just can’t see the ends of it?) And the pipe itself is indeed selectable through the meshes of other objects but I have to be REAL careful to aim at that pipe when grabbing the manipulator or else it simply selects the object in which the pipe is buried. (usually happens when translating things in which I have set the pivot point to the floor for easier snapping and I am trying to slide things along the floor.)

By light press do you mean where I am supposed to be able to half press the trigger when attempting to select multiple objects? I have only been able to get that to work a couple of times and it seems erratic. I wonder if some of my problems are stemming from scene scale? I am trying to keep my “zoom” at 1.0 when evaluating my first person perspective. That is correct?

The translation gizmo handles (the pipes) are by design like that. This allows you to move an object on one axis from a further distance. I agree that the cylinders are not thick enough. You can experiment with this command: VREd.PivotGizmoTranslationScaleMultiply (2 by default), to make the handle more thick. I will make sure to increase the default.

With light/half press I mean when you are selecting a gizmo handle to scale, rotate or translate the object. I agree that it is hard to use and it fails often.

We haven’t looked at the best way of selecting multiple objects yet. Let me know if you have any suggestions. It shouldn’t matter what scale you are.

Well if we are talking about ways to make the UI easier and more customizable… Maya uses the keyboard hotkeys + and - to adjust the scale of their manipulator. It might be nice to have something like that to give the user a quick and easy way to adjust the gizmo size to their preference.
I didn’t realize a half press would pick a gizmo handle. That may help to eliminate some misfires on the selection side of things but I have found that the vive controllers don’t make it easy to tell the difference between half and full press. Maybe a visual GUI cue could show that?
I have been twitch broadcasting some of my use of this editor by the way. I may have time tomorrow to make a quick video showing some of the things I am talking about. I am very excited about this whole process and it’s a huge part of the reason I invested in the Vive in the first place.

Are you using the older vive motion controllers ? Because the new ones give feedback for a full press. Nonetheless, I agree that we should give some visual feedback if we decide to keep the half press.

Seeing footage would be amazing! I like that the community is excited about this. We try to be as transparent as possible and just get your opinions. I love discussing about stuff like this!

No I have the consumer release Vive not the pre. I have noticed the feedback sometimes but other times it’s so subtle I don’t notice it especially after years of gaming controllers where shooting a machine gun is like holding a jackhammer. Maybe I just need more conditioning with the controller to allow my subconscious to pick up on it.

I really think the thing that would help the most would be the ability to lock layers of actors to avoid accidental selections. The gizmo itself may not be the problem at all. I can handle a couple of misfires on the gizmo if it doesn’t end up selecting (and usually moving) the floor underneath me every time I miss grabbing the gizmo handle. Then I have to undo a couple of times just to get back to where I was and that wastes up to a minute sometimes and really breaks up the flow. I don’t know that you have to include the locking/unlocking of layers in the VR editor necessarily but at least if it was in the regular editor and the VR one would respect it.

Well for now you can just use the “Frozen_” at the beginning of your actor name and running the editor with -VREditorDemo. Than you can at least lock the biggest objects, like the floor.

Edit: Plus I really think that the locking shouldn’t be necessary. That would be a bypass for the essential problem, which is miss clicking. Eliminating this would be better.

Would that work on a group of objects or a folder? I will try it out when I get a chance.

No sadly it only works on individual actors. I know, a pain.

Hey Yanick, the students use primarily Rhino, also Autocad and some of them just started with 3DMax.
I have been trying to set up the new gizmo but I cant run the VR editor.
I did compile the version that you sent me the linlk yesterday ( https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealE.../dev-vr-editor ) and the VR editor doesnt work.
I launch the editor, it seems to run for a moment , then the headset goes black and everything freezes?

Any idea why this happens? Should I just recompile the editor?
