Why doesn’t Unreal make it’s own compiler, I have installed the update tools for C++ dependencies and msvc version to 2022 and still no improvement, still take a lot of time to compile when it first go’s over the header file, any modification to the header file and it takes minutes, I now have 8gb of ram and I thought this would improve timing but the diffrence is very neglectable when you compile changes in the header file. Microsoft will not improve and is still slugish because they don’t want to offer simple solutions and complicate things, they expect everyone to have the latest operating system, and the latest computer, like we are all scientists at Nasa or something. Why not itegrate a compiler into Unreal, it already has it’s built system but the compiler is from Microsoft, the workload go’s to the compiler. Miscrosoft does not offer a true offline installer to it’s tools also and that is another drag, it offers an offline cache that is full of problems and does not work sometimes when it’s in some situations like formating your hard drive, offline mode will not work after you format, you have to download the C++ build tools again. Unreal engine works just fine, the old copy works, you just copy paste unreal from where you saved it before format and it works. You launch editor.exe and you’re in. This is more BS from microsoft, if they really wanted they would make an off line kit the old fashion way with setup.exe wizard to install tools, pfffttt off line cache, what a Joke Microsoft. So many people are complaning because of the compilation system, maybe Unreal should consider having one included.
UE does have its own compiler; I’m using VSCode and I always compile in the engine.
I did not know that, maybe you mean the build system, it does have that. VS Code uses msvc. How do you compile in the engine ? The engine has the build system, at the end of the line there is the msvc compiler with it’s header. What is the name of the compiler ? or compiler module. Maybe you are wrong I dunno, or they made their very own recently and I did not know about it. VS code is just another lite version of visual studio with plugins on the fly that you install, the plugins contain C++ workload packages from microsoft with the compiler. It’s suppose to be the liter version of Visual Studio IDE. You still have to install packages inside of it.
Maybe it’s a builder that uses a third-party compiler. I just didn’t find a way to compile in VSCode, so I assumed…
I’m definitely not the authority here, so I’m probably very wrong =)
I don’t think Unreal is tight to Visual Studio or Microsoft. I think they make use of whatever they think it’s easier on a platform and in this case for Windows is Visual Studio.
I use a Macbook and in my case, the build could run within XCode or Jetbrain Clion, or even VSCode. Most of the time I build my code from the CLI so I don’t have to open an IDE and allocate unnecessary memory.
Anyways my point is that Unreal can compile in Linux, Windows, and Mac so they relied on the C++ compiler not on Visual Studio or XCode, etc.