Unreal 5.4 crash/will not start "Unreal Zen Storage Server failed to launch"

I tried to start the new Unreal version 5.4 but I get an Error:
Unreal Zen Storage Server failed to launch. Please check the ZenServer log file for details:…

5.3 starts with no problems.

Has anyone encountered this problem? How can I get Unreal 5.4 to start?
Thanks a lot for your help.




I just want to add that in the folder that is mentioned in the error (the … I wrote in my first post) there is no log file to be found :pensive:

I’m on a windows 10 machine


I am unable to launh UE 5.4 too. It says out of video memory, however UE 5.3 works perfectly. I also have a 4070ti and never faced this issue before.

My graphics drivers are updated too so I’m not sure what the problem is.


I’m also having this exact issue. :frowning:

same issue

After downloading the Engine, find zenserver.exe in the Engine\Binaries\Win64 directory, and run it, then restart the project or engine


Thanks for your help. But even if I start the file and close the window again the start up process crashes on me every time :disappointed_relieved:

Start the engine, then when the launcher closes, immediately start ZenServer.exe from the folder - this way the same error will appear, but the engine will start. When you load the project after starting the 5.4 engine, you repeat exactly the same thing


This worked for me, thanks! :smiley:

EDIT: When launching the engine or opening my projects (via Epic Launcher, IDE, etc.), I run ZenServer.exe right after the Unreal Engine splash screen appears.
The “Unreal Zen Storage Server failed to launch” error message still appears, but after closing the message, the engine always starts up reliably.

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Cool. I think this might do the job for now :metal: I still got a crash the first time I created a project but after that at least I got into the app for the first time. I hope the devs can do something about this so that this is fixed for the final release as 5.4 looks so promising and I can’t wait to work with it

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This is how we fixed this issue in our side:

1. Open the \Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini file
2. Search for the [Zen.AutoLaunch] category and after the “DataPath=” folder path use the old "
%APPSETTINGSDIR%Zen/Data" format or any custom path access like “DataPath=%ENGINEDIR%Zen/Data” for example
3. Done, try to open a 5.4 project

Epic changed the Zen Store path access to a new one in 5.4 for some reasons and this causes problems for some people like us, so this workaround could work.


Thanks for sharing. It looks as if it also works fine for me. :metal:

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This isn’t working for me unfortunately, still looking for a solution.

This seems to have worked.


None of this 100% worked. This is the only way I could get it to work:

Step 1: hax the “BaseEngine.ini”

@ X:\Folder\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Config >>

Search for "[Zen]"
Change AutoLaunch=true to AutoLaunch=false

Step 2: Manually launch “zenserver.exe”

@ C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\Common\Zen\Install

Step 3: Now launch UE5.4 exe lolz

Step 4: Click Ok to remove 3 popup messages (+1 bonus popup).

Yer done. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and ring that bell.


I managed to create a work around for this, I’ve attached the BaseEngine.ini which I have edited
BaseEngine.ini (231.4 KB)
Replace the one found in your 5.4 preview install folder “…\UE_5.4\Engine\Config”

To do this your self just replace the “[Zen.AutoLaunch]” block and the “[DerivedDataBackendGraph]” block with the 5.3 values.


Hi! Has anyone tried running city sample on ue5.4?I can’t open it.

for Mac this worked for me-- slightly different than above
BaseEngine.ini (225.2 KB)

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DataPath=%ENGINEDIR%Zen/Data worked for me as well. Thanks!