Unreal 5.4 crash/will not start "Unreal Zen Storage Server failed to launch"

I am getting a similiar issue

I tried replaying DataPath with all kinds of variations but no success:(

It helped me! thanx a lot! I had a problem 5.4.1 startup crash on 9%, with DDS error, but this helped!:heart:

for me dont work , but i found another solution , in case it can help someone , in my case , in the folder " C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\Common " pointed to a route that does not exist (from a previous installation),the solution was , open a CMD like Administrator and with ren , rename the folder UnrealEngine for UnrealEngine2 for example “ren C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine2” change “myuser” for you user , when you open Unrealengine , this will download all the files again and reset the config.


Legend. Just plugged in the file you shared and it worked perfectly.

Its working but crashing a lot+freezing like 6 pfs (empty level)
so still need solution from epic

Thank You its Working :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:

Dude, your solution works!

saved my life

None of the solutions worked for me, neither the BaseEngine.ini nor The “Verify” option from the Epic Launcher.
Finally, it was solved by reinstalling the engine.

My UE5 5.4.2 wouldn’t start today, complaining about the unrealzenstorageserver beforehand.
I had recently disabled ipv6 for my network… so I re-enabled ipv6 networking, and the engine started working again. YMMV.

My UE5.4 was working fine until I installed python and pycharm and then I got this Zen crash.
I copied that two sections of your file into my own and it seems to work. Thank you.

It worked for me. Thanks

Thank you!!! I finally opened it!!!

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