OK @here to any of you amazing Devs who have experience with cooking and or build projects.
My friend wanted to try my game so I wanted to package it up so he could install it.
This is the very first time I have even clicked on that button .
When I do, it not only takes an hour but it fails and I get a log file. I have absolutely no idea what I am looking at when i look at the log file and cant pen point what the issue is.
However I have a very scary wall of red text and critical errors at the end.
Can anybody see anything in these that could possibly, maybe be an issue? I know its a lot so I`m not looking for a full trouble shoot. Just maybe point me in the right direction?
Sorry but the error you need to fix is listed right in the message you shared (top red line)
I think the real issue here is that you have never built anything from source before, and thats’s not really something anyone can help you with.
Get visual studio, create a sample project of any kind, build it. Modify it. Build it again. Break it on purpose. Modify it again. Etc. Until you understand the basic workflow/process (and the error messaging related to it).
Once you get a feel for it, patching issues like this should become trivial.
Also worth noting: you may just be missing the latest files. Generally the engine just builds unless you modified stuff…
The errors mostly point towards skeletal mesh & skinned asset.
The last file mentioned is
Check SM_Wraith_Drone but that seems to be a static mesh if so then that doesn’t match the error source.
It could be a corrupt skeletal mesh somewhere in the project.
The last error in the callstack points towardsSkeletalMeshLODModel => So maybe a specific LOD of a skeletal mesh is corrupted?
The error is the first line - array out of bounds.
That can be on anything (yes, SM or SKM both).
Normally you would just open the file up mentioned, trow a breakpoint on that line or escape the whole code block thing in a Try Catch… assuming you build the engine from source thats trivial.
Cooking off the pre-built is similar. Except you can’t breakpoint it unless you build the engine from source (and listen, everyone should build from source… Since stuff epic releases almost never works…)
That said deleting folders is a really good tip for anyone (noob or otherwise) so kudos.
Just look up what to delete exactly and if you arent 100% sure back it up.
Last thing you want is to delete stuff and have to re-verify engine files cuz of a screw up.