Unreal 5.3 VR Only One Eye Works/White Dots

Same here, right eye on my Meta Quest2 headset is full of white and black dots.

Ok, so Iā€™m pretty new to Unreal, but I think I found the solution/cause. I was messing around with the VRTemplate (Unreal 5.3.2) with my XR Elite and was setting up nanite, in doing so I had to uncheck forward rendering. After restarting the editor I got an error message that was complaining about Lumen, so I changed Dynamic Global Illumination Method and Reflection Method from Lumen to Screen Space.

This caused white dots on my right eye in the VR Preview.

I then switched only the Dynamic Global Illumination to None, and the issue went away, I probably could have also just enabled what I needed to for Lumen and fixed it that way. But enabling Lumen really messes up packaging an apk it seems. (Which is understandable)

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