Unreal 5.3 Citysample Pathtracing/Raytracing Decals and Glass issue

I tried to render CitySample with Pathtracing after regular open the scene. The Decals are gone. I fixed the nannte issue from the sidewalk with r.raytracing.nanite.Mode 1. But the decals are still disappear. Then I imported a custom car which looks great in a blank scene. Enable translucency mode in the PPV from raster to raytracing let the windows of the car disappear. Also with pathtracing. Is there e trick? I saw some custom car videos rendered with pathtracing in the city sample with 5.3

Hi there @Tom_G_HH,

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Thanks and happy developing! :slight_smile:

did you find a solution for the decals in pathtracing bro

Yes, delete the decals and take them from the same folder and put it in the level again. or use the decal tool and take the same textures as it was before. I guess unreal has a new structure since 5.2 for that. CitySample is 5.0

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Is there anything else I need to do besides dragging and dropping a decal? I did that on city sample level but it’s still not visible in the path tracer.

Dragging the actual decals back in worked for me. That blueprint or static mesh won’t work. The only issue I have now is getting the car windshields to show in path tracer. Hope this helps!

Hi, I noticed that if the game view in Lit disable, both the decals and the lights and the glass of the cars disappear. In practice, the same thing that happens if pathtracing is active. I’ll see if I can solve.