Unreal 5.1.1 c++ not working

Hi, I’m new to Unreal Engine. I having a very hard time getting even the most basic C++ code working. I have UE 5.1.1 installed, with VS2022 and the plugin installed.

I create a new C++ Class, inherit from Pawn, and only add UE_LOG statement to BeginPlay. Compile, drag pawn into viewport, everything works as expected. I then create a child blueprint class from the c++ class, drag it into the viewport, everything works as expected. If I close UE, and open my project back up , I get the following errors. Please Help

CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘DefaultSceneRoot_GEN_VARIABLE’: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/BP_MyPawn.BP_MyPawn_C
CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘SimpleConstructionScript_0’: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/BP_MyPawn.BP_MyPawn_C
CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘SCS_Node_0’: SimpleConstructionScript /Game/BP_MyPawn.BP_MyPawn_C:SimpleConstructionScript_0
CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘DefaultSceneRoot’: BP_MyPawn_C /Game/NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.BP_MyPawn_C_1

I ended up solving my own problem by disabling Live Coding and compiling with VS2022, hopefully this helps someone out.

This batch file can help to build it outside of the editor