Unload Level does not trigger Latent Actiont

I’m working on some checkpoint mechanism, that will reload some parts of the level when needed. I wanted to have all of the sublevels loaded on from the very begging, so I set all the levels to be always loaded. When I need to reload one of the sublevels, I use UGameplayStatics::UnloadStreamLevel, and I put some function that triggers UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel as a latent function argument, so It should be loaded up again, right after it gets unloaded. The problem is, that after level gets unloaded ( which works fine ), the latent function doesn’t get triggered. It does only if I set level to be Blueprint Loaded. But the problem with that solution is that I need to load sublevels manually, so I need to add additional loading screen after the actuall loading screen that is being shown when automatic level loading is done. Manual level loading seems to take more time too.
Is there any way to fix that? How can I reload automaticly loaded level ? Thanks in advance!

Here is an example that seems to work for me:

FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo;
LatentInfo.CallbackTarget = this; // The class that the Execution function is in
LatentInfo.ExecutionFunction = "SomeFunctionInTheCallbackTargetClass";
LatentInfo.Linkage = 0;
LatentInfo.UUID = 0;

So if I have a function “void MyClass::LoadingFinished()” which I want to call at the end of a load:

void MyClass::UnloadLevel()
    FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo;
    LatentInfo.CallbackTarget = this;
    LatentInfo.ExecutionFunction = "LoadingFinished";
    LatentInfo.Linkage = 0;
    LatentInfo.UUID = 0;

    UGameplayStatics::UnloadStreamLevel(this, *LevelNameHere, LatentInfo);

void MyClass::LoadingFinished()


Hey @Dune. This is exactly what I do. But it doesn’t work.
“The problem is, that after level gets unloaded ( which works fine ), the latent function doesn’t get triggered. It does only if I set level to be Blueprint Loaded” - as I wrote before.

FLatentActionInfo lai;
lai.CallbackTarget = this;
lai.ExecutionFunction = “LevelLoaded”;
lai.Linkage = 1;
lai.UUID = 1;
UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel(this, levelName, true, false, lai);

… works here. some forum posts have said Linkage and/or UUID need to be set to >0. didn’t try without.

The bug was there back then, and I’m pretty sure I saw it fixed in the meantime.