Unlit material with lightmap support - is it possible in ue4? (BakedLit in Unity's URP)

Hi! I’m starting the development of a VR game in ue4 but it looks like I will miss that awesome shader from Unity:

Basically it is an unlit material for static objects that captures and renders only a lightmap with everything realtime stripped. It can have a quite significant impact on performance on mobile VR platforms.

Is there a way to make a similarly performant material?

Any informations about this ?

You can modify the shaders to achieve that, so yeah, quite possible.

Sorry - that wasn’t at all helpful to the OP. It’s always good to reply by saying/showing how to do it… or at least explaining the broad approach.

Hello, I came to Unity and the lack of bakedUnlit shader is absolutely limiting for VR. Does anyone have a link to the documentation for refactoring the Unlit shader to give it lightmap support? Thank you.