Fixed all the warnings and the issue still persists.
Only exception being this which shouldn’t be an issue as far as I understand.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Cook: LogInit:Display: LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module ‘OnlineSubsystemSteam’ because the file ‘E:/Unreal/UE_4.16/Engine/Binaries/Win64/’ was not found.
I wish I knew why but all I did was remove the reference to it and made a successful build and then added it back in again and it now builds fine.
So no actual change was done to anything, fun stuff.
I had previously removed 4-5 assets where this break occurred and it still just broke in a different place so i assumed the line where it broke didn’t mean much.
Hmm looks all fine to me now and don´t worry about the OnlineSubSystem that usually wont screw you over.
MyController_TopDown for some reasson he fails to find his SuperClass and DefaultSubObject.
Can you make a Backup of your Project (just to be safe) and than try to reparent that BP to “Player Controller” under the Class Defaults. Save and Compile and try again. Im not certain if that BP will pick up the change since you reparent to the same thing. But if that did not Work try to reparent to “Debug Camera Controller” and than back to “Player Controller”.
And if even that did not Work delete the BP Completly and replace refferences where you used it with the simple Player Controller. That is just to confirm thats a faulty Blueprint or otherwise got corupted in some way. In that case you most likely have to recreate it (or if you use Version Control roll back to a working Version)