I’m trying to package my protypo game. But every time I try to, I end up running into an error.
I can only offer things to try:
- Check all of you assets have good naming conventions (avoid whitespace, symbols etc…)
- Make sure ALL of your blueprints / code can compile correctly
- Check the output / cook settings of your project (version, target, etc…)
- Make sure you aren’t referencing / using any deleted assets
- Check what plugins you are using, apparently sometimes they can cause build failures for particular targets
- It’s possible some of your local content has become corrupted; in the launcher you can run a verify content to make sure that the editor content is correct and re-download anything which is incorrect
- Try to check any log files to see if you can get more information on the build failure
Good luck!
Would using an ’ _ ’ count as a symbol? An underscore.
I believe underscores are acceptable as Epic uses them in their own asset naming conventions listed here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
Ok, so everything was named correctly and not too long. Everything can compile and work. The output was set to be put in a folder on my desktop, as shipping. (So I could record gameplay another computer, my laptop isn’t all that.) Everytime I delete an asset, rename, or move. I always click on “Fix up redirectors in Folder.” I have no currently used plugins for this prototype game. I ran a verify check on the Engine 4.11.2, I can’t find a way to check content. link text
It looks like your issue is coming from your nav mesh:
LogObj:Error: LoadConfig (/Script/Engine.Default__RecastNavMesh): import failed for RuntimeGeneration in:
I haven’t had build failures with this before but maybe tried rebuilding the nav mesh independently. Also check any settings for it they may cause issues. At least this potentially narrows it down and you could try Googling build failures in regards to the nav mesh. Sorry for not helping further, I’m at work at the moment!
It looks like your issue is coming from your nav mesh:
LogObj:Error: LoadConfig (/Script/Engine.Default__RecastNavMesh): import failed for RuntimeGeneration in:
I haven’t had build failures with this before but maybe try rebuilding the nav mesh independently. Also check any settings for it they may cause issues. At least this potentially narrows it down and you could try Googling build failures in regards to the nav mesh. Sorry for not helping further, I’m at work at the moment!
Is there anything else I could do? I have a navmesh on one level and it’s on a landscape. Not sure what I could do, since I know everything is working well from playing in the editor.
If anyone could help me with this, I posted a problem I had with the nav mesh HERE Also, here is a picture that could be a problem
located in your project Config folder, is a DefaultEngine.ini file. There is a line "RuntimeGeneration= ". When you switch the navmesh to static, it creates an invalid entry in this file. To fix it, you can leave it on Static and be able to build, “RuntimeGeneration=Static” . Others were having the same problem HERE
Under where? “RuntimeGeneration=” isn’t in my DefaultEngine.ini file. By the way, im using Unreal Engine 5.0.3 so that might make a difference.
So I thought, i could paste it in and type Static to it. Because as you said that might be a problem, and i have the same problem, from what i see, a bit different, but mostly the same.