March 29, 2024, 11:35am
Hey @CeChaos936
that sphere represents your current default pawn. You can see it because you change your point of view / the camera with SetViewTargetWithBlend. Have a look at these posts:
I haven’t found a consistent cause, but sometimes the editor camera will begin to appear in-game, with no way to stop it. I haven’t seen this behavior prior to 4.15 and it seems to happen after migrating maps from one 4.15 project to another. The outliner shows the camera being spawned after begin play.
This is an example editor view:
Here is the in-game view of that viewpoint. Note the sphere:
Here is a wireframe showing the object to be a def…
That “main camera” is called the “default pawn”. The default pawn is spawned by the GameMode when the game begins to possess the PlayerController by default.
You can set the default pawn by using or creating a custom GameMode class and setting the “default pawn class” in there. You’ll also need to make sure your project or level is configured to use the custom GameMode.
If you have a player character / pawn that you want to have spawned at the start, set that as the default pawn. If you just w…