Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android

Good news! In 4.22 Preview 2 it has been fixed! :smiley:

Universal Mobile Ads 2.8.3 for UE 4.21 released!

We’ve just released hotfix for UE 4.21.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.


  • Google AdMob SDK for Android updated to 17.1.3
  • Google AdMob SDK for iOS updated to 5.17.0

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

just dowloaded Universal Mobile Ads 2.8.3 for UE 4.21 and the very first error I get it is incompatible with 4.21
and if a try to load anyway it does not build

this is the content of the file UniversalMobileAds.uplugin on the Universal Mobile Ads 2.8.3 for UE 4.21 zip:

“FileVersion”: 3,
“Version”: 1,
“VersionName”: “2.9.0”,
“FriendlyName”: “Universal Mobile Ads”,
“Description”: “Mobile ad networks integration and mediation for iOS & Android”,
“Category”: “Advertising”,
“CreatedBy”: “gameDNA Ltd”,
“CreatedByURL”: “http://gamednastudio.com”,
“DocsURL”: “http://gamednastudio.com/plugins/docs/UniversalMobileAds_UserGuide.pdf”,
“MarketplaceURL”: “com.epicgames.launcher://ue/marketplace/content/aa6f88dd5af84fbd9771a38b33fb5044”,
“EngineVersion”: “4.22.0”,
“SupportURL”: “mailto:support@gamednastudio.com”,
“Name”: “UniversalMobileAds”,
“Type”: “Runtime”,
“LoadingPhase”: “Default”,
“EnabledByDefault”: true,
“CanContainContent”: false,
“IsBetaVersion”: false,
“Installed”: true,
“RequiresBuildPlatform”: true


Have you downloaded plugin from GitHub or Sellfy? It looks like you downloaded preview version for UE 4.22.
Please make sure you download 2.8.3 version for UE 4.21 from “releases” tab: https://github.com/gameDNAstudio/Uni…leAds/releases
We tested it again right now and links are OK…

Thank you for your patience.

I downloaded the necessary files for 4.19 UE, but I can’t install the plugin. Please look at the picture in the attachment and give me advice. thank you.

As I responded you by e-mail and as you can find information in User Guide, you should download precompiled binaries version from “releases” tab. You probably downloaded source code only version directly from the branch so it’s why it can’t be loaded into your Blueprint-only project.

Universal Mobile Ads 2.8.4 for UE 4.21 released!

We’ve just released hotfix for UE 4.21.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.


  • Google Play Services Games for Android updated to 17.0.0
  • AdMob for Android updated to 17.2.0
  • AdMob for iOS updated to 5.19.0
  • Fixes for new AdMob SDK for IOS.

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

hello now i buy universal mobile ad plugin and set up in my game but when i try to run in my android device but occur build error LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Users\Downloads\ExampleProjects-master\UniversalMobileAds\Plugins\UniversalMobileAds\Source\ThirdParty\AndroidRepository’.

Hello, have you installed SDKs using gameDNA installer as described in User Guide? :slight_smile:

This looks awesome and really hope it works well.

It works very well and tested in many cases! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :slight_smile:

Universal Mobile Ads 2.8.5 for UE 4.21 released!

We’ve just released hotfix for UE 4.21.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.


  • Fixed launch crash for IOS.

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.


Universal Mobile Ads 2.9.0 for UE 4.22 released!

We’ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.22.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.


  • Compatibility updates for Unreal Engine 4.22

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

Hi there,
I installed the Universal Mobile Ads plugin as well as the gameDNAInstaller and installed all SDKs. However, the build now fails with the error message:
Y:\src\com\epicgames\ue4\GameActivity.java:145: error: package com.google.android.gms.ads does not exist

My config is:

  • UE 4.20.3
  • AndroidWorks 1R6u1
  • Android SDK: Min 16 - Target 25 - 25
  • Android NDK level 19
  • I added Google Play Services as well the other required packages (see attached image)
  • I build with ANT

Any ideas how I can fix this?

You should build with Gradle and Target SDK should be 27.

Just spent all night switching over to the 4.22.0 release and I still see this error:

UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ERROR:
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): Unreal Plugin file Engine../…/…/…/Project/UE4-4.22.0-ios/Plugins/UniversalMobileAds/Source/UniversalMobileAds/UniversalMobileAds_UPL_IOS.xml missing!

Emmm… Please move plugin from Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/UniversalMobileAds to [PROJECT_FOLDER]/Plugins/UniversalMobileAds and try again :slight_smile:

The plugin has never been in the engine folder. It is already in the project’s plugins folder. Both installer and ad plugins were updated to the recent 4.22 releases.

Do you have Blueprint-only project or Source code project?