Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android


Universal Mobile Ads
15 ad networks for iOS & Android + AdMob mediation system

Universal Mobile Ads integrates the AdMob ad mediation system for iOS & Android which lets you serve ads to games from multiple sources. Mediation helps you maximize fill rate and increase monetization by sending ad requests to multiple networks to ensure you find the best available one to serve ads. Plugin supports 15 ad networks, of which some can be enabled or disabled in plugin settings. There are 3 ad formats available: Banner, Interstitial, and Rewarded Video. All features are available in C++ but also exposed to Blueprints. You can add callbacks which handle ads states like ad loaded, ad started, ad closed, etc.

Required Unreal Engine 4.10 or above because of Android Plugin support!

Current plugin version: 2.10.0
User Guide: https://gamednastudio.com/plugins/do…_UserGuide.pdf

Buy now on Sellfy (20% OFF): https://sellfy.com/p/V0sJ/
Buy now on Marketplace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketp…sal-mobile-ads

★ 15 ad networks supported (more coming soon).
★ Some of these networks can be enabled or disabled in plugin settings.
★ Supported ad formats: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded Video.
★ All features are exposed to Blueprints.
★ Supports gameDNA installer. No more downloading SDKs and creating packages on your own!
★ Out-of-the-box for mobile platforms: iOS & Android.
★ Works with Blueprint-only & source code projects.
★ Works with Launcher & GitHub UE4 versions.

★ Full source code available on GitHub private repo!
★ Compatible with iOS & Android (all-in-one)
★ Easy plugin setup
★ All future updates
★ Support via Discord & e-mail

★ Aarki
★ AdColony
★ AppLovin
★ Chartboost
★ CrossChannel
★ Facebook Audience Network
★ Flurry
★ Fyber
★ Google AdMob
★ InMobi
★ ONE by AOL
★ Smaato
★ Tapjoy
★ Unity Ads
★ Vungle

You can test this plugin in our mobile game CHASERS:


You can download example project at the following address: GitHub - gameDNAstudio/ExampleProjects: Example projects for gameDNA's plugins

Facebook: gameDNA
**Twitter: **https://twitter.com/gameDNAstudio

Join our Discord channel to receive support and subscribe latest news: https://gamednastudio.com/discord

Plugin trailer:





Plugin requires a free account on AdMob mediation platform for support ad mediation.


Hey! This looks awesome and really hope it works well. People would definitely like this plugin for sure! Can’t wait to use it as this would help a lot on so many mobile projects.

That is SO GREAT news!!! :cool: Thank you very much for the efforts, looks really cool and it is in deed very needed!! I can’t help but wonder why this hasn’t been solved in an official way before. :confused:
I am currently developing my first android commercial release and without this I simply can’t monetize it. I know about the AdMob support, but it doesn’t support videoreward, which IMO is mandatory nowadays.

Thanks and keep it up! Can’t wait to try it!


MUST HAVE FOR SERIOUS MOBILE DEVELOPERS .This plugin will solve the biggest defect U4 .
Epic cant delay the publication of this plugin !!!

I love you so much

You’re the man! Great can’t wait to use it :smiley:

well done ! :wink:

Supported Ad Formats
Universal Mobile Ads** plugin supports 3 different ad formats: banners, interstitials and rewarded videos.

  1. Banner ad is a simple rectangular format which appear at the top or bottom of your game’s screen.


2.** Interstitial** ad provides full-screen experiences, commonly incorporating rich media to offer a higher level of interactivity than banner ads. Interstitials are typically shown during natural transitions in your game, such as on launch, after completing a level, or while your game is downloading content from the internet.


  1. Rewarded video ads are a great way to offer users an incentive to stay engaged in your game, while earning more ad revenue. The reward generally comes in the form of in-game currency (gold, coins, power-ups) and is distributed to the user after a successful video completion. It’s recommended to placing rewarded video ads where your users are already engaging with in-app purchases or in locations where users may be seeking an in-app reward, such as the end of a game or at currency redemption points. Once your users have finished watching the video ad, you can designate the reward they will receive.


Supported Ad Networks

Not all networks are supported on both platforms and not all ad formats are available for specified networks. The table below shows which ad networks and which ad formats are supported on which platforms.


Awesome work you are doing. Keep it up! :smiley:

So excited!

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! omg! i’m excited about wanting to donate this beautiful work!

I’m still working on plugin. iOS part is finished but Android part is about 90% so a little more waiting to polish :slight_smile: As I said before I should done before Christmas. I’d like to give you the best experience so please be patient :slight_smile:

Can’t wait! Please release this plugin :slight_smile: :smiley:

Awesome work! This is really needed. Appreciate your efforts :smiley:


I kept my word and I’ve just released Universal Mobile Ads! :smiley: I have submitted plugin to the Unreal Marketplace but until Epic accept my submission, you can buy it on Sellfy.
If you have any questions, I can help you! :slight_smile:

Buy now with 25% off: https://sellfy.com/p/V0sJ/
Promo code: UNREAL_IS_EPIC (expires by the end of 2015!)

Will this work on Fire TV?

In general it works good in games for Amazon AppStore (smartphones, tablets) but I don’t know if on Fire TV too because I don’t have this device so I can’t test it… Unfortunately I can’t give you any guarantee that it works on Fire TV :frowning:

Hi I’m trying to launch this on my android device (from the editor using launch command) - I’m pretty sure I followed the instructions. I’m using the 1.7 JDK installed from 4.10\Engine\Extras\AndroidWorks\Win64 android works 1r1

Any suggestions on what I should do?

Please open build.xml file at location C:/NVPACK/android-sdk-windows/tools/ant/build.xml (or equivalent AndroidWorks installation path for you).

Find lines:

    <property name="java.target" value="1.5" />
    <property name="java.source" value="1.5" />

and change to:

    <property name="java.target" value="7" />
    <property name="java.source" value="7" />

Please let me know if it works :slight_smile:

making the above build.xml changes + enabling EVERY provider worked for me. I wanted to only do admob + unity videos, that created some kind of dependency issue in the java build.

Thank you for helping me over the holidays & also very sorry for bothering you during them