Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android

thank u thank u thank u ı see ads on my phone
last question
banner wprking perfect in test project (load-has-show)
intersitial ads working perfect in test project (load-has-and show)
but rewarded video
when i press load reward video button 19-20 times video load failed usually. only 1-2 times loaded succesfully (ı use admob)
what is the problem help please ı want to solve rewarded video problem.
thank u for your help
tanks for the plugin

Because ads are not endless :slight_smile: Each user has limit of possible ads to view at the same time (typically up to 3). You need to wait before next ad load request.

hi everyone ı made an application with only ui about calculation
ı use universal ads plugin
plugin is perfect
try it
thank u UE4 Thank u game DNA

I’m glad that it works now for you! Thank you for appreciation and good luck with your work :slight_smile:

Hello. I have some questions.

I’m developing for Google Play, and testing on my device.
Interstitial ad of test(Habilitar anuncios de prueba  |  Android  |  Google Developers) works fine.
Then replaced it by Interstitial ad that created in Admob, but real ad is not showing.
I have installed the gameDNA installer, and installed SDK.
And I found an error by adb logcat -d.
It’s a following error.
>W Ads : Invoke Firebase method getInstance error.
>W Ads : The Google Mobile Ads SDK will not integrate with Firebase. Admob/Firebase integration requires the latest Firebase SDK jar, but Firebase SDK is either missing or out of date
It looks like the problem related to Firebase SDK.
So questions are such as:

  1. How can I solve that error?
  2. Do I have to link Admob with Firebase?
    Because not written about Firebase in UniversalMobileAds’s user guide.
    If I have to use Firebase, are there any settings, for example, like google-services.json file(I don’t know on detail)?
  3. And does real ad works without downloading app through Google Play?


web browser dont work in android ı think problem is about universal ads plugin
anwer please

Please give me advice.
I read former posts again.
I decided to copy my App id and ad unit id to sample project. and tried with no test device id.
My application not linked Firebase. no Mediations.
But it doesn’t works.

I’m sorry.
Finally, I got a solution.
I found getting a mail when I probably tapped the payment of menu on Admob dashboard.
My account was not approved by Admob.
Interstitial Ad works on my App with Universal Mobile Ads.
Thank you.

Awesome! This looks like a great addition to my collection. Well done, can’t wait to purchase it.

This is not possible. Plugin is completely not dependent on WebBrowser. Why do you think is this because of our plugin? Without plugin installed, does it work?

I’m very glad that it works now for you! :slight_smile:

Feel free to ask any questions :slight_smile:

Hi, could you please clarify how the GDPR node is (should) used. Have I got this right thinking that I should display a message on first start saying any ads displayed will be of a personalised nature unless the i.e. click a button on a menu widget to set it to none-personalised? Is this then handled by admob behind the scenes (I will probably only be using Admob initally in my game). Thanks for any help.


Yes, you are right. You should show window/dialog for the user with question if he wants to see personalized ads. Options should be Personalized / Non Personalized. Then you should call function Universal Mobile Ads Update Consent Status with selected option. This function should be called with any new start of the game, so you can remember user’s choice in SaveGame or somewhere else. *Update Consent Status *function should be called BEFORE any ads loading request.

I hope it’s clear now for you.

Many thanks for clarifying that, it is pretty much what I have implemented, a window opens on very first run of game that sets this option, they can then change their mind at a later date in the options menu, this GDPR is not fun!


Universal Mobile Ads 2.7.0 for UE 4.20 released!

We’ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.20.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.


  • Added support for UE 4.20

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

Newb question, I tend to use the launcher version of UE4. Is there a way to use gameDNA installer plugin with the Epic Launcher version of the Editor on Windows?

Yes, it’s possible of course!

i’ve tried Adding it before from the GitHub page but my editor won’t start and complains about the plugin.
Where’s the right place to get the Dnainstaller plugin for the launcher version of the editor?

From “releases” tab on GitHub: https://github.com/gameDNAstudio/gameDNAinstaller/releases

Wow, I have no idea how I missed that tab when looking before.
Thank you for the direct link.
You all are awesome.

Think I have it all ready to go. Final piece was moving plugin from Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/UniversalMobileAds to [PROJECT_FOLDER]/Plugins/UniversalMobileAds and install again SDKs using gameDNA installer.
Is this a work around or is this the desired way to install for all projects?
I’m testing on 4.19 is this different on 4.20?