Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android


Thank you for appreciation.

For building Third Party Plugins for iOS you need to have device with macOS. You can build on macOS or Windows with remote connection to macOS. This is not related to our plugin but for all Third Party plugins in UE4 in general.

Hi, !
Thanks for your reply.

Can I email my build logs and device logs?

Thank you for your replying.
I have setted up Remote Build.

But I have some errors.
ā€œPermissions 0440 for /RemoteToolChainPrivate.key are too open.ā€
Iā€™ve tried many ways to change settings of permissions on Windows.
Could you tell me how to fix this if you know something.

Thank you very much.

Hello, Iā€™ve just send you an e-mail.

Itā€™s not related to the plugin directly. You should write on the forum about this issue: https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/ios-development
Also this guide may help you: https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/ios-development/50090-windows-ios-rsync-remote-build-guide-4-8?78804-Windows-gt-iOS-=

Thank you for your reply.
Build was a success because of the link you told me!
But I canā€™t see Advertisement images in my app screen.

What I did is as follows:

  1. Install ā€œUniversal Mobile Ads pluginā€
  2. Install ā€œgameDNA installerā€ and SDK
  3. Registrate app in AdMob then get appID
  4. Using XCode with Mac and show Admob, then get test device ID
  5. Setting AppId and Test Device ID in the setting of Universal Mobile Ads plugin
  6. Connect Univerasl Moblie Ads Show Banner to Event Begin Play in Character BluePrint of Unreal engine4

*Iā€™m using official test ID to Ad Unit ID.

Please correct me if there are some mistakes.
Thank you very much.

Please attach build logs in development mode and logs from your device when you try to load ad. Thank you :slight_smile:

Thanks for always encouraging me!

I have attached Build log of UE4 and log of device(Xcode).

If you need something more, please let me know.


Thank you for build logs. Please try to use ā€œFile -> Package Projectā€ option instead of ā€œLaunch Onā€. Let me know if it helped you.

Are you sure that logs from your device are full? There are only a few lines.


I heve not solved the issue yet even if I try the way you showd me.

The sample project ā€œTestUMA.uprojectā€ can not be displayed ads too.

I guess ā€œCallBackā€ function doesnā€™t work well.

there are no response whatever I did.

My guesing is as shown below:

惻 Because using Japanese Unreal engine4

惻 Because there are some bugs for UE4.18.3

惻 Because I have been taking elementary mistakes somewhere.

惻 I need C++ knowledge to use this plugin? (Iā€™m using Blueprint only project)

Please find the attached screenshots.

1.png : Enable plugin

2.png : Install SDK

3.png : Setting plugin and Blueprint

4.png : Testing callback

I hope I can solve this problem as soon as possible.


Plugin was tested during last 2 years on many configurations so I donā€™t think itā€™s a problem with plugin itself.

Please try to move plugin from Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/UniversalMobileAds to [PROJECT_FOLDER]/Plugins/UniversalMobileAds and install again SDKs using gameDNA installer.

If it doesnā€™t help please send example project with plugin installed and configured to support [at] gamednastudio.com and I will check your configuration.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I have sent you an email by Gmail. Please check it later.

Thank you. Iā€™ve just replied you.

Universal Mobile Ads 2.6.0 Preview for UE 4.19 Preview 3!

Weā€™ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.19 Preview 3.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab.

If you havenā€™t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

Thank you very much for your kind support!

I could not display the advertisement, but the problem was solved with the following correction.

>>move plugin from Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/UniversalMobileAds to [PROJECT_FOLDER]/Plugins/UniversalMobileAds, install again using gameDNA installer, and build the project.

In addition, I was able to confirm the display by setting advertisement of UnityAds also on Admob 's dashboard !!

I appreciate very nice plug-ins and polite support.

Itā€™s all thanks to you game DNA studio, It was displayed on iOS device.

thank you for your great support and plugin.

Universal Mobile Ads 2.5.4 released!

Weā€™ve just released hotfix for Universal Mobile Ads plugin.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.


  • Banner ad on the top and the bottom of the screen on iPhone X now is rendered in the Safe Area

If you havenā€™t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

Awesome Plugin with great support !
It is worth every penny.

Thank you for appreciation! :Dā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹