Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android

please help me

Hello valdener,

  1. Have you installed all necessary SDKs using gameDNA installer and Android SDKs mentioned in the User Guide?
  2. If you use ā€œLaunch Onā€ option, please try to use ā€œPackage Projectā€ instead.
  3. Do you have version from UE4 Marketplace, Sellfy or GitHub?
  4. Do you have installed plugin in the project directory or in the engine directory?

Thank you for your patience.

Universal Mobile Ads Plugin 2.5.0 Preview for UE 4.18 Preview 3!

Weā€™ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.18 Preview 3.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab.

If you find any bug, feel free to report it :slight_smile:

If you havenā€™t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

Hello All
Iā€™ve problem with UNIVERSAL MOBILE ADS.iā€™m using UE4.16.3 and UMD2.3.4 and GameDNA 1.0.3. everything is OK, until install sdk from GameDNA inside editor.
after that i get JavaLibs\support-annotations-25.3.1 is not a valid project (AndroidManifest.xml not found). error.iā€™m Following the instruction from GameDNA Git.

  • Android configuration:

    a) Go to Project Settings -> Platforms -> Android and change Minimum SDK Version to 16 and Target SDK Version to 25.

    b) Go to Project Settings -> Platforms -> Android SDK and change SDK API Level to latest and NDK API Level to android-19.

    c) Go to the NVIDIA CodeWorks installation path and run Android SDK Manager.

    Install or update the following libraries:

  • Android 7.1.1 (API 25) SDK Platform

  • Android Support Repository

  • Android Support Library

  • Google Play Services

  • Google Repository

Help Pleaseā€¦

Hello sepinood,

I donā€™t think that this is a problem with support-annotations. Could you attach full build logs?

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ETC1)): UnrealBuildTool: Error: C:\Users\Sepinood\Desktop\GalaxyRacers\Intermediate\Android\APK\JavaLibs\support-annotations-

25.3.1 is not a valid project (AndroidManifest.xml not found).

Yeah, definitely itā€™s not a problem with support-annotations.

  1. Delete [PROJECT_FOLDER]/Intermediate/Android
  2. Go to Project Settings -> Android -> Ant Verbosity and change to Verbose
  3. Build project again.
  4. Attach build logs again. Error description should be more detailed.

OK, Here the full Log,iā€™ve made some changeā€™s.using matchndk instead latest and set minimum sdk and target set to 17. now i can build the apk but. crash on my device

Build logs now looks good.

Please change Build Configuration to Development, build, run on device, and attach logs from your device when crash occurred.

thank you for your reply

  1. Have you installed all necessary SDKs using gameDNA installer and Android SDKs mentioned in the User Guide?

  2. If you use ā€œLaunch Onā€ option, please try to use ā€œPackage Projectā€ instead.
    Iā€™m already using ā€œPackage Projectā€

  3. Do you have version from UE4 Marketplace, Sellfy or GitHub?

  4. Do you have installed plugin in the project directory or in the engine directory?
    Je lā€™ai mis dans les deux fichiers

I switched to version 4.17.2 and it is always the same but it is not the same error

4. Do you have installed plugin in the project directory or in the engine directory?
Je lā€™ai mis dans les deux fichiers = I put it in both files

Please delete folder d:\programmes\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\GooglePlay\gpg-cpp-sdk.v2.1 and try to build again.

super thank you it works

1: I delete all GameDNA plugin and build for distribution sdk:matchndk mintarget:17 maxtarget:17 ===> Worked with no crash.

2: Install Gamedna - multidex And MobileUtils and build for distribution sdk:matchndk mintarget:17 maxtarget:17 ===> Worked with no crash.

3: Install Gamedna - multidex - MobileUtils and UMD, and build for distribution sdk:matchndk mintarget:17 maxtarget:17 ===> Build failed, the log file in verbose mode attached

And all this plugins installed in project folder and iā€™m using android SDK23 with update all google support service and repository.

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ETC1)): UnrealBuildTool: AARImports: com.google.android.gms, play-services-ads, 9.2.0

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ETC1)): UnrealBuildTool: AARImports: com.google.android.gms, play-services-auth, 9.2.0

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ETC1)): UnrealBuildTool: AARImports: com.google.android.gms, play-services-games, 9.2.0

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ETC1)): UnrealBuildTool: AARImports: com.google.android.gms, play-services-nearby, 9.2.0

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ETC1)): UnrealBuildTool: AARImports: com.google.android.gms, play-services-plus, 9.2.0

It means that it tries to install old Google Play Services librariesā€¦

Did you read carefully gameDNA installer User Guide?

Why Target 17 and SDK 23?

  • Minimum SDK Version: 16 (or higher)
  • Target SDK Version: 25
  • SDK API Level: latest
  • NDK API Level: android-19

You should also install:

  • Android 7.1.1 (API 25) SDK Platform
  • Android Support Repository
  • Android Support Library
  • Google Play Services
  • Google Repository

After these steps, please delete folder [PROJECT_FOLDER]/Intermediate/Android and install SDKs using gameDNA installer and then try to build again.
Let me know if it helped you.

Why Target 17 and SDK 23?
just i want to publish on Android 4.4.2 or higher

seems UE4.16.3 problem with sdk25.upgrade sdk to 24 or 25 cause to get a lot of error.

Finally, I can build with no problem but till get this line"
ā€œUATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ETC1)): UnrealBuildTool: Error: C:\Users\Sepinood\Desktop\GalaxyRacers\Intermediate\Android\APK\JavaLibs\support-annotations-25.3.1 is not a valid project (AndroidManifest.xml not found).ā€ But seems no effect on my build.But now I have crashed on my device in distribution build.
here the crash log:

[2017.10.11-10.55.54:962]  0]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [SparksGameMode_C_0] Banner Failed, Ad Unit ID: ca-app-pub-4433547937086476~7596739172, Ad Network Name: unspecified, Error Code:InvalidRequest

ca-app-pub-4433547937086476~7596739172 doesnā€™t look like Ad Unit ID but like App IDā€¦

Something wrong with adcoloy? in the distributed build when I add adcolony network my app crashed.