When you are not busy creating monsters, ultra violent games and other eye-rolling stuff, could you spend some time exposing the camera projection matrix like Unity does? I know it is hard, but you can do adult things! I believe in you!
this is not a question and does nothing to help anyone. if you love unity so much then use unity. Or you could always take it upon yourself to create the code necessary to accomplish what you are looking to do.
Yes, answer hub with hundreds of problems each days, engine made by guys who “work” on monsters and such, and the general prospect of digging through someone elses undocumented source code. I can not wait, what a tempting prospect…
Sure, but that’s not the question. I want to set the individual camera matrix elements, see l Unity link. It is not possible in UE4 without going into source code, and when I read in other threads how people got lost in there and what gaming ecosystem I am dealing with here, then thank you very much, but I pass.
dude whats your issue. the people who work on unreal engine are professionals and the engine itself is one of the top engines in the business. yes there is a dev team withing epic that works on making games and content to show off the capabilities of the engine but that doesn’t detract from the work that the software engineers do.
tell me what do you do for a living and how would you like if someone belittled your work for no reason. your complaining just makes you sound like a child (which you could be for all i know).
Can you image studying computer science and finishing really well, then you go to a little monster/ultraviolence gaming company where you get half the salary for twice the work compared to Microsoft&Co.? Believe me, they do not get the top layer of the cake if it comes to “Professionals”? Just look at the hundreds of entries here, enough said. Btw, are they still busy suing children because they cheated in their weird monster games. Or busy getting their servers hacked and loosing hundreds of thousands customer details to hackers?
this is going to be my last post on this one. you obviously have something against epic that no one will be able to help you with and seem to be causing a ruckus for its own sake. You claim all these bad things about epic and how microsoft is better but have you worked for either one? To address your other point regarding the skill of people on the answerhub or toward me, you must not have the right idea the answerhub is there to help people and most of the people that are asking questions are new to game dev and programming. the answerhub is just here as a open market of information for more experienced people to help those with less experience and does not reflect any professional environment. the pros will ask colleagues if they dont know something. most of the people at least in my opinion that you will see on the answerhub are hobbyists and newbies. on your point of being hacked i have no idea what incident your referring to but just look at companies like sony, target, and chase who have all been hacked, or even yahoo who got hacked and didnt tell any of their customers. If someone really wants to hack your system it will happen somehow no matter who you are. Lastly you keep saying things about only making monsters and ultra-violence, i dont know if your some religious zealot or what but thats just plainly not true. Have you ever seen the kite demo? on a side note compare how many AAA games have been made using unreal vs any other engine (Unity is nearly none). i have nothing against other engines and if unity or cryengine is what you like you should use it.
if you still decide you want to push this issue then contact who you have issue with directly or head to the forums. again i will not be replying to this question anymore and i implore others to do the same.
dev100000, you are clearly frustrated with things beyond the engine. Instead of releasing your anger at the community you should consider talking to someone. Might make you feel better.
no, I am from that industry who put a tinfoil hat on your bosses head if your remember and really can not take this gaming ecosystem seriously, yet I have to spend time with this the beauty of an engine for now and for that I feel blessed. Feels like I am transforming back in time when I was a pre teenager with all that weird stuff going on here. Who in their adult years sits down and “works” on this eye-rolling stuff full time? Really hard to crasp.