Is it possible for a socket to have different relative locations on different skeletal meshes, that use a single skeleton asset?
It seems that socket location is defined by the skeleton, so that when I try to move a socket, its location changes for all meshes using the same skeleton. That is unfortunate: I have multiple skeletal meshes (battle robots) that use the same skeleton and animations, and I would like to have unique sockets for every mesh (e.g. to define turret barrel location to spawn particles when firing). Is there perhaps a better way to achieve that?
Did you ever find an answer to this? It seems as if that’s just not the way it works. We developed a workaround where we have multiple sockets and then change which one is used based on the current character, but it’s a very clunky way to do it.
Found something :
In the skeletal mesh windows, in the Skeleton tree panel (might need to open it via the Window menu in the top bar), you can right click a socket that was created in the Skeleton asset and transform it into “Mesh socket”, and set its transform FOR that skeletal mesh.