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I am getting this runtime error in my game:
Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_InfiniteLoop: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code was running in an infinite loop.
Truncated callstack follows:
VerseEngine_multicast?egate?se:$Block (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
VerseEngine_multicast?egate?se:$InitInstance (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
VerseEngine_multicast?egate:$InitInstance (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
VerseEngine_subscribable_event:$InitInstance (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
I found out about this on the website that epic games provides to check for runtime errors.
Someone knows a fix? or what the underlying problem might be?
I heared that sinds the recent patch recursive functions are not preffered? (those recursive functions have a await fucntion in them and also the function is a suspends function.
I used to do event binding with await and a recursive function (i will give a example in the steps to reproduce section). Then after update I got a bunch of infinite loop runtime errors so i changed almost all of those in subscribe function. Is this a bug or is this intended?
Steps to Reproduce
Example of an await even binding i was talking about:
BindToWeaponUI(Button : button_quiet) : void =
WidgetMessage := Button.OnClick().Await()
if(Agent := agent[WidgetMessage.Player]):
Example of the subscrbe event binding i now use:
OnClassSwitchedEvent(Agent: agent) : void =
PlayerInfoManager.RecordPlayerStat(Agent, StatType.InstantReload, ?InstantReload := true)
Expected Result
No runtime error regarding infinite loops
Observed Result
run time error with infinite loop
Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_InfiniteLoop: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code was running in an infinite loop.
Truncated callstack follows:
VerseEngine_multicast?egate?se:$Block (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
VerseEngine_multicast?egate?se:$InitInstance (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
VerseEngine_multicast?egate:$InitInstance (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
VerseEngine_subscribable_event:$InitInstance (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
Island Code