Can somebody help and tell me why is uneral restitng it self sometime it froze and reset it self when i make new folder or bluprint sometimes inside bluprint like in this video sorry i recorde it with my phone VID20231008214501.mp4 - VEED if somebody could help me shoud i reinstall uneral or did i forget to install something
Greetings @Andelo7
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums. Are you having this issue with one specific version of Unreal Engine or multiple? Also, can you provide your computer specs and the log file with the crash? Thank you!
Hi it try version 5.3 -5.2-5.0 they all do the same i make a folder it frozes
CrashReportClient.log (8.2 KB)
CrashReportClient_2.log (11.1 KB)
Unreal.log (183.0 KB)