Underground Volume Not Working With Rocket Racing Cars In (The Rocket Racing Editor)

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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When i playtest a private code for my rocket racing map the underground volume seems to not work…

Steps to Reproduce

Place a track underground
Use the Landscape Tool / Visibility tool to cut the piece of landscape where you enter underground
Place underground volume size it up with the area of the track that is underground using the brush settings

Expected Result

It should allow the car to go under the ground when using the underground volume as it does in live edit.

Observed Result

Works Fine In Live Edit But Not In Private and Public Codes…
When Entering the area underground in Private and Public Codes it will teleport the car to the same location it is but above ground



The status of FORT-742655 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

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This is a duplicate of FORT-726387 - checking on status

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