Unable to verify address

i got this in my publisher setting, what should i do now?
is this mean currently my produck cannot be visible to users inside EU?

It is possible like these users: Unable to Purchase Asset Pack
Sometime product can be visible but just cannot be purchased.
It could also just be a bug as well, lot of people are having that same issue.

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Same problem. FAB is bugged and doesn’t let you verify in some cases (the form doesn’t show up) and the external service that supposedly checks these documents isn’t working and flat out rejecting official documents, even if they have the address on it.


Same for me, and Epic’s support tells nothing.
“Unfortunately, we are unable to provide specific details about why the trader verification failed because verification is handled by a third party.
Please ensure that the document you provide for verification contains at least Street Address, City, and Country, as well as any other applicable information.”

But it fails even if I copypaste my address into the form from the document I upload. Currently I’m seeing the same error message and no form for attachment.