Unable to Purchase Asset Pack


When attempting to purchase “New-York City Buildings & Street Environment 3D Asset Kitbash Pack” I am unable to add to cart and when attempting to “buy now” there is a warning stating “Some offer is unavailable now, please confirm before purchase.” There does not appear to be anything to confirm, only a greyed out place order button even after filling in payment information.

What type of bug are you experiencing?


URL where the bug was encountered


Steps to Reproduce

Go to the listed URL and attempt to add to cart, or click buy now.

Expected Result

The product should be either added to my shopping cart or the order should be able to be placed in the checkout window that opens when clicking buy now.

Observed Result

What actually occurs is an error that says “Wasn’t able to add product to your cart” appears at the top of the browser window, or an error of “Some offer is unavailable now, please confirm before purchase.” appears at the top of the checkout window and the place order button remains greyed out.


I have attempted this purchase on both a newly updated Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Operating System

I am using desktop Windows 10.

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Trust AI too much, fire your experts and then cant even fix purchase system for your market for like four months so we are selling nothing. Thanks Fab

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same issue here, WTF is goign on how to fix this?

Maybe thats because trader having problems with address proving and not able to sell products.

If you guys are from EU, it possible there an issue indeed with PolyCrate trader status.