I installed 4.7.1 a few days ago and the installation went without a hitch (this was to the default C:\ProgramFiles) amd I have been enjoying the engine greatly.
Two days ago it notified me of 4.7.2 and started upgrading… this got to the Verify stage and then just kept going around in a circle; downloading approx 100mb, installing, verifying, and around until it eventually failed.
I’ve tried:
Deleting the engine totally and installing 4.7.2 from scratch (To C:\ProgramFiles) running Launcher as administator.
Moving the Launcher onto an external drive incase of administrator rights etc and installing from there. Disabling Virus Checkers.
Everything i’ve tried gives the same result. Like I said, the original 4.7.1 install worked perfectly. My studio was hoping to move our latest prototype over to UE4 from Unity, but tbh this is the 3rd day we’ve had tools down due to this. I’m guessing the issue is something my end, so any help resolving this would be greatly received as I can’t risk something like this each time we need to upgrade the engine.
Try downloading the editor again. We had a couple of other users report similar issues and the problem seems fixed for them now. We believe it was something on our end.
If you still aren’t able to download the editor, try the steps in this section of the troubleshooting guide and post back here with your results.
I’m afraid the result is the same. It goes around in a download/verifying loop until ultimately failing due to corrupt installation. I think I’m going to try the GitHub version (although I don’t really want to).
I’m sorry that it’s still not working. We can continue to troubleshoot your issue by investigating your Debugging logs. We’ll post back here with an update.
If you do get it working or decide to solely use the Github version, post back here to let us know.
Go to the directory where you installed the launcher (such as C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\PatchStaging) and look to see if there is a folder named “UE_4.7Live-Windows”. If so, delete the folder and try the installation/upgrade again.
Just thought I’d drop in here to bump the thread (hope that’s okay). I’m experiencing the exact same issues you are having fallingbrickwork. So far I have tried:
Uninstalling the Launcher and all
versions of UE4 and restarting
machine and then reinstalling all
components again.
Running the Launcher as
Administrator (I am also Admin for
the Windows user).
Pausing the download/install when it
was stuck in the “Verifying” loop
and then resuming it again.
Ultimately, these steps lead to the Launcher sitting there trying to Verify and then eventually failing with the error that the install failed due to the installation being corrupt. Fortunately, reinstalling 4.6.1 works flawlessly.
I tried the last suggestion from Pete. The folder “UE_4.7Live-Windows” only appears to exist while the patcher is in the process of verifying/downloading. If you pause it at any moment, the folder is then automatically wiped. I have also tried removing the folder while in the process of verifying/downloading and ultimately the loop continued.
I will be posting a debug log tomorrow when I have some time to try again. Cheers!
Decided to give the installation another go; attached are my DxDiag and most recent EpicGamesLauncher-backup log I received. May be worth mentioning that the latest “EpicGamesLauncher.log” file I have is 121 MB in size but I can’t attach it here.
Still receiving the the Installation Failed error after letting the verifying loop go around in circles for awhile.
I’m not near my home desktop at the moment, but I will try to get the log files posted here later tonight. I am almost certain that I had my anti-virus disabled at the time of installation. I am going to try perhaps disabling a recent Windows Service Pack (in case there was one released after 4.7.2) and see if this may help tonight - I will post with my findings.
Just finished attempting to install the latest version (4.7.3) and was yet again met with the same situation as before. The following steps were taken for this installation attempt:
Uninstalled the latest Windows
Security Update from 3/11/2015.
Made sure no anti-virus or firewall
software was running in the
Ran Epic Games Launcher as
Administrator (the Windows user is
still Admin though).
I actually cannot even attach the log file I received because even after placing it in a zip file, it’s still 8.4 MB (over the allowed limit for this forum). Since this is the case, I have tried uploading it to Dropbox:
I guess I will attempt to install 4.7.2 again and see what happens. When attempting to install 4.7.3 it felt like it was stuck in a “Verifying” loop for over an hour.
Any additional steps that could be taken at this point would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Looks like 4.7.2 is no longer available for installation so I will wait for the next instruction before trying again.
Sorry to say, but I still received an “Install Failed: The installation is corrupt.” error.
Steps I took:
Made sure no anti-virus or firewall
software was running in the
Went to C:\Program Files\Epic
Games\4.7\Engine\Binaries and
deleted the Win32 folder before
launching the Epic Games Launcher.
Ran Epic Games Launcher as
Administrator (the Windows user is
still Admin though).
Resumed the 4.7.3 installation.
What I did notice this time around is that the verifying process initially did progress normally (showing 33% to 34% etc) rather than just sitting at 90%. I kept checking the Binary folder to see when exactly the launcher would attempt to install the contents again. It looks like after the first round of verifying, the installer downloaded a ~55 MB file (which around this time is when the Win32 folder appeared). After this, it goes to 90% verifying, then downloads a 8 MB file and then begins the verifying loop until ultimately failing.
I’ll try again this time with the debugger logger on and report back, but it does seem like the file you are referring to just wants to reject the installation.
Ok these logs are showing that it can’t open a bunch of files during the verify stage all located at “C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.7/Engine/Binaries/Win32/UE4Game-Redist”. Can you navigate there and see if you actually have .lib files there?
Thanks for the reply! Sorry for any misunderstandings, but there doesn’t seem to be an additional folder inside the Win32 folder called “UE4Game-Redist”. Instead, the files are all located within the Win32 Folder. I’ve attached a .txt of what’s inside the Win32 folder currently.
Edit: Just tried creating a folder called “UE4Game-Redist” inside the Win32 folder in case there is supposed to be one there. Ran the verification process again, still received a “Install Failed: The installation is corrupt.”
yea it looks like those are the files it can’t open. Can you right-click on one of the files and select properties. Go to the security tab an make sure you have read/write permissions for the files.
I went through every file in the Win32 folder and for each Group/user name, made sure they all had full permissions (including Write/Read). After doing that, I went back to the Binaries directory and while editing the Win32 folder specifically, provided permissions to all Group/user names. Oddly, the Group “CREATOR OWNER” does not allow me to provide any permissions to it.
Finally, back to the “General” properties tab of the Win32 folder, I disabled Read-only, but this apparently cannot be disabled due to the version of the Windows 7 I am running from what I’ve read? So this was re-enabled upon opening the properties window again (occurred even after clicking ‘Apply’).
I repeated all of these steps for the Win64 folder as well. Attempted another verify from the launcher, same situation occurred where I received the “Install Failed: The installation is corrupt.”
I then went back and actually tried removing the read only setting on the folders with the following commands in command prompt (remove the 's):
In addition to these commands, I went back to the Epic Games directory and
provided permissions to all Group/user names. Still could not provide the Group “CREATOR OWNER” permissions though. Even after running the command prompt commands, the read only status appears to persist on the folders in the properties window (despite not receiving any errors in the command prompt).
So, ran Epic Games Launcher as Administrator, enabled debug logger, gave it another go. Received “Install Failed: The installation is corrupt.” again. Will attach logs.