Unable to Sign Up for Island Creator Program

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



I have worked on a map for multiple hours for 11 days straight (and many more days prior to that with a break), I am over 18, my account is over a year old, and I have recently spent over $100 in Fortnite. I still get an ineligible error when trying to sign up for the program.

Steps to Reproduce

Clicking “Learn More” occasionally throughout the day for multiple days.

Expected Result

I expected to meet the requirements on all fronts.

Observed Result

I continue to get an error saying I don’t meet the requirements.



experiecing the same bug. wrote the support a week ago and still no answer

The status of UCB-1166 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’

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Same here. I have worked everyday in FNC for almost 2 weeks and I’m unable to publish anything, and my account is over 5 years old. I have been clicking the same thing, and have been getting the same error message as you guys. If anyone finds the solution to this, please let me know!!

Same here… Have been creating maps in more than 2 weeks, still not able to register…

Also experiencing this issue.

Update: I am able to apply now.

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Same here!


I was honestly losing all of my hope ngl

Have the same issue

Helloo, how did you do? xd

how many days did it take?