Unable to set FGameplayTag as UPROPERTY or as function parameter of a UFUNCTION

As the title suggests it’s not possible for me set an FGameplayTag as a UProperty, in my case it’s a struct member.

Tried also have a UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) with a parameter of type FGameplayTag which works neither.

Example code:

struct FStatData

	FGameplayTag StatTag;

On compilation I get an error (sry for the german snippets in there but mainly english):

  Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""__declspec(dllimport) class UScriptStruct * __cdecl Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FGameplayTag(void)" (__imp_?Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FGameplayTag@@YAPEAVUScriptStruct@@XZ)" in Funktion ""void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'public: static struct UECodeGen_Private::FStructPropertyParams const Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FStatData_Statics::NewProp_StatTag''(void)" (??__E?NewProp_StatTag@Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FStatData_Statics@@2UFStructPropertyParams@UECodeGen_Private@@B@@YAXXZ)".

UnrealEditor-MyProject.dll: [LNK1120] 1 nicht aufgelöste Externe

If the UPROPERTY is removed or the BlueprintCallable is removed compiling works.

When I try to create a similar struct in Blueprints via Editor it works with adding a gampelaytag as property.
But in my case I need that in CPP.

Is not allowed to have BP callable FGameplayTags defined in CPP or what is going on here?

I managed to reproduce your error.
You have 1 unresolved external.

You must add in your “NameOfModule.Build.cs” of your module

			new string[]
                "GameplayTags", // ADD THIS LINE TO THE EXISTING ONES

Probably the "GameplayTags" module is not available on your public dependancies and with adding the BlueprintCallable or UPROPERTY makes it public. There is the conflict.

Tip: The unreal unresolved external symbol the most of the times is something missing from “NameOfModule.Build.cs”

Hope I helped!

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