I’ve been using Common UI for adding Gampad support to UI and I’ve run into a couple of issues with rebinding or even removing bound inputs.
Fist no matter what I do I can’t seams to unbind the Default Accept (and probably the Default Back) from Gamepad Bottom Face button as well as the keyboard Inputs for them and although setting the button to be locked does prevent the Click function from going through it still doesn’t free up the button input to be used in On Preview Key Down.
Secondly I want to remove the D-Pad from being used in Navigation, as I wish to use that for button presses rather than navigation.
I’ve looked around at a few of the other posts and not being able to change the bound default accept seams to be an issue at the moment and that it might be changeable in C++, of which I have no idea where to start (haven’t had a chance to use learn C++ yet).
So if anyone knows a way to use BP to achieve what I want or are able to direct me to where and how I would go about changing it in C++?
I’m currently using UE5.1