Hi.I check if actor exist in level do somethings.
but when i begin game and use actor then game crash and visual studio show break point in second if.
this is my code
and visual studio break point
Hi.I check if actor exist in level do somethings.
but when i begin game and use actor then game crash and visual studio show break point in second if.
this is my code
and visual studio break point
You may have an issue when you instanciate your attribute.
Where do you fill your
May the engine create enough space memory for your attribute but if it’s not used the memory is unreadable.
Thanks for your answer.what is your solution?
Where do you instanciate your “ClimbActor” ?
You should have something like:
FClimbSurfaceData::setClimbActor(AClimbActor* ptr)
I think the ClimbActor you are using is missing its ClimbType attribute.
Maybe in the default constructor or when you set its ClimbSurfaceType
i use IsValidLowLevel() instead of ClimbActor != nullptr and my error become fix.