Unable to open a second editor’s window while starting project from Visual Studio(Start Debugging F5)
- open first project via Visual Studio
- in another instance of Visual Studio try to open the second project
See the compiling error occurred. However opening the editors one by one doesn’t produce the issue
------ Build started: Project: ShaderCompileWorker, Configuration: Development_Program x64 ------
Target is up to date
------ Build started: Project: ShooterGame, Configuration: Debug_Editor x64 ------
Performing full C++ include scan (hot reloading a new target)
Creating makefile for hot reloading ShooterGameEditor (project files are newer)
Compiling game modules for hot reload
Target is up to date
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(37,5): error MSB3073: The command “H:\Junctions\UE4\UE4\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat ShooterGameEditor Win64 Debug “H:\Junctions\UE4\ShooterGame\ShooterGame.uproject” -waitmutex” exited with code 2.
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 3 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========