Unable to Launch or Package Game

Hey Sean, I shot you a copy of the project. Any luck with it? Any progress on this bug? Thanks!

Howdy Brian,

Sorry about the lack of response. I have been looking into your project the past couple of days and have been having packaging issues as well. I am going to look into it again first thing in the morning and, if I hit a build failed once again, I will be putting in a JIRA report.

Thanks for your patience and have a great day!

Awesome! Thanks Sean!

Hey Brian,

I worked to try to get it to package again and it just wouldn’t cooperate. I looked into the bug report and the issue is still open and unresolved. With GDC happening this week, it has been a bit hectic so I would expect this report to be worked on next week. I will be sure to keep you updated.

Thanks for your patience.

Hey Sean, it’s been a couple weeks. Any movement on this? I’m still unable to package the game, but for some reason now I can launch it at least.

Hey BrianMay,

Thank you for your patience. I have just tested your project on the latest internal build and was able to package with no errors. I am unsure as to when this build, or a later build, will be released, but I was able to package for Win 64-bit. I will be sure to keep you posted when I am certain that this fix has been implemented.

Thanks again!