Unable to instantiate UnrealEd module for non-editor targets

I see this when packaging the project for windows 64 bit.
**Error: **Unable to instantiate UnrealEd module for non-editor targets

I understand this means I must be using something that should be editor use only, but I’m not sure where it’s coming from. I only have two Function Libraries which could be causing this. So I’ll list the headers in those that I’m using:

  1. I have a file that I’m using to clear cookies.

#include "Runtime\WebBrowser\Public\IWebBrowserSingleton.h"
#include "Runtime\WebBrowser\Public\WebBrowserModule.h"
#include "Runtime\WebBrowser\Public\IWebBrowserCookieManager.h"

  1. This file is used to decrypt some string from my server

#include "SecurityBlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include <string>

FString USecurityBlueprintFunctionLibrary::DecryptMessage(const FString Message)
std::string s = "some salt";
std::string p = "some password";
std::string modMess = std::string(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Message));

// I've removed my actual decryption for obvious reasons.

return FString(modMess.c_str());


Maybe it could be some plugin? Here’s my plugins:

"Name": "SoundVisualizations",
"Enabled": true
"Name": "OculusVR",
"Enabled": false,
"Name": "SteamVR",
"Enabled": false,
"Name": "VaRest",
"Enabled": true,
"MarketplaceURL": "com.epicgames.launcher://ue/marketplace/content/e47be161e7a24e928560290abd5dcc4f"
"Name": "WebBrowserWidget",
"Enabled": true

And my AdditionalDependencies only includes “Engine”

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Okay I read through the logs and I see this:

UnrealBuildTool.Main: ERROR: Unable to instantiate module 'UnrealEd': Unable to instantiate UnrealEd module for non-editor targets.
UnrealBuildTool.Main: (referenced via Target -> **NativizedAssets**.Build.cs -> Blutility.Build.cs -> MainFrame.Build.cs)

NativizedAssets.Build.cs That’s where it’s happening.

This plugin is enabled by default: Enabling plugin ‘NativizedAssets’ (referenced via default plugins)

And I have my Blueprint Nativization Method set to inclusive. Probably this?


That was it, disabling nativization fixed the problem. Though I would rather use nativization… seems it has some bugs.


UnrealEd contains dependencies for automated testing, hence cannot be packaged. This can be resolved by introducing conditions while including any module that has dependencies on UnrealEd. and keeping the code that is utilizing UnrealEd within #if WITH_EDITOR


Is there another way that doesn’t rely on using #if s?
i work better without them.
like for example setting the target in the .uproject or the plugins definition or build.cs?

I found this video. It helped! https://youtu.be/9O_YansI-Fs

Edit: Here is a newer version: https://youtu.be/HhW4O2XhdZQ


Video is not available :confused: or rather (after some search), it’s locked behind a Youtube membership paywall. Can we please post the solution here instead?

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Here you go: https://youtu.be/HhW4O2XhdZQ

I think you can add the following code to the project.build.cs:
if (Target.bBuildEditor)
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string { “UnrealEd” });


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