Unable to find... why so many "unable to find" errors!

I am trying to cook/package my game and a huge amount of warnings about Unreal being unable to find package for cooking pop up. I tried everything. I could find very very little information on this online and in the Hub. Please help. My packaging freezes after some time.

Hi NtinosFerret

I am trying to cook/package my game and a huge amount of warnings about Unreal being unable to find package for cooking pop up

This sounds like you have deleted assets during development and you still have old directors hanging around.

  1. Make a backup of your project.

  2. Rightclick content in a content browser window.

  3. Select “Fix redirectors”.

You may need to go recompile your blueprints and re-apply your materials, each reference invalid reference should appear for you to correct.

My packaging freezes after some time.

If you’re still unable to package your project, could post the full log trace.


Ok, you made me think of it a little bit. So what I did was specify my only two maps for cooking, letting other test maps from me or some marketplace assets out. However, “the Unable to find package for cooking” warning now pops up for my own… maps. I fixed redirectors and I hope I specified the maps correctly on project settings. The project now packs super-fast! These are the only warnings, the “none” I can not understand at all, and I can’t get the map warnings as well. Any further help would be appreciated, thank you very much!