Hey there!
Like you could guess from the title, i am unable to find some settings in the Foliage Brush.
I am looking for the “Show Instance settings” button, since i want all my tree’s, rocks and grass to be rendered in 1 drawcall. But i cant find the button at all!
It should be easy to find, liek explained here: [Foliage Instanced Meshes Link][1]
But according to the [Foliage Instanced Meshes page][3] it should look like this
so i can access the Instance Settings via this menu after draggin and dropping a mesh into the tool.
So my question, where can i find this option? Or does Unreal 4.8.1 automatically set all foliage painted by the brush to instances? Or is the option moved?
The Foliage Tool received a significant overhaul with 4.8. Unfortunately, the documentation has not been updated just yet for this. The settings have been more unified now so that they are easily accessible without the need for multiple tabs.
If you scroll down in the details panel you have pictured above you will see an option for
“Instance Settings” that will have a lot of the same settings as before.
Thanks for the reply!
that explains why i couldn’t find it :).
The reason why i wanted to access these settings, is because i want to find out if i need to edit some settings to enable instanceses. what i’m saying is confusing, but i mean, do the trees get rendered in a single drawcall by default, of do i need to enable this?
When i place ~1000 trees my fps already drops to 20, even without collision. What could i be doing wrong?
The foliage tool does instancing automatically. It clusters chunks of these meshes together for LODs. The information in the documentation is still correct, only the UI has changed significantly to be more unified and allow more functionality.
The draw calls should be limited to the number of materials that are assigned for the mesh. For instance, if you have a tree mesh that is painted withe foliage tool and that mesh has 4 materials, there will be a draw call for each one of those materials that is assigned.