Unable to enter session when texture_blocks are used in Verse

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Can’t start a session if “texture_block” was used in Verse

Steps to Reproduce

1 - Create project
2 - Import any texture
3 - Create Verse class
4 - Create texture_block with your texture in code
5 - Launch session

Expected Result

The project is launched

Observed Result

Can’t start a session (endless loading)
The project is marked as ‘Moderation’



Code example:

using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Assets }

Test_device := class(creative_device):
        Widget := texture_block:
            DefaultImage := ProjectName.TextureName
            DefaultDesiredSize := vector2{X := 128.0, Y := 128.0}

I have the same problem, deleted every asset and commented every line with texture block and I’m unable to remove Moderation Warning. Can’t launch a session due to this issue

The status of FORT-766080 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘To Do’.

@LOLsquid is this still happening? We’re having trouble getting a repro here.

@Flak Yes, the problem is still relevant for me. I checked it again after updating to version 30.30. I have attached a log and a video where the first launch is successful and the second is not.
Texture_Block-FortniteGame.log (5.2 MB)

A few details:

  • if the game client is started via “Launch Session” in the editor, the result will be endless loading of the session
  • if the game client is already launched (as in the video), the result of unsuccessful session start will be a return to the lobby
  • Texture is a *.png image 512x512 created using Paint.

The “moderation” icon in the editor will appear after restarting the island or editor if the last session was launched unsuccessfully. The moderation message doesn’t give any detailed information, it just opens a blank browser tab.

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Hi LOLsquid,

I’m not sure if this will solve the issue, but the moderation problem might be caused by the use of red-textured elements. Changing the color to something other than red and waiting for a few hours might resolve the moderation issue.

I believe that the red texture is being misinterpreted as blood.

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@YuyaShiotani Interesting idea, but I don’t think it makes sense:

  1. Red is one of the most popular colors and is widely used. It’s the most obvious choice for separating channels in a texture
  2. The engine offers many ways to simulate blood using materials without textures (I’m talking about possibilities, I have no such goals)
  3. If this violates the rules, the editor could mark the asset and state the reason, but the list of violations is missing
  4. I used black-and-white textures in another project with the same result
  5. In conclusion, if I use the same texture in a Widget and display it using the HUD Message Device, the session launches fine without moderation issues

There is no point in spending resources on moderating content that might never be published. I just want to understand what can be done using Verse for now.