I am making my first animation blueprint state machine, but I find myself stuck trying to get a blendspace animation to play once the state machine enters the desired state.
I’ll quickly summarize my set-up, I have a state machine that controls animations for my character. Things like idle/walking/jumping are controlled by velocity/ground detection, while the crouching state is controlled by a boolean, which is copied from the character blueprint and actuated by keyboard input.
Here is what my character blueprint looks like:
Here is my animation blueprint:
Here is the state machine:
The state machine’s transition conditions all seem to be correct, I am able to enter, remain inside of, and exit all states as expected. However, my “Crouch” state, which is meant to display a blendspace crouching animation seems to get ignored. It will display animations from other states while in the crouching state based on their correct transition logic, in spite of verifiably being inside the crouching state.
It’s not an issue with the animation blendspace either, I’ve checked it, and it is entirely composed of crouching animations. Considering that it is directly hooked to the result node, I don’t see why it would fail to display.
I’ve attached a gif to this post to better illustrate the issue. Key here is that the footage shows that the state machine is following our character, but seemingly ignores the crouching state in spite of knowingly entering it.
Apologies for the low frame rate.
Of course, a one minute gif can be overwhelming, so here are some screenshots to use as reference too. Anything to help me resolve the issue.
As shown in the gif, I am indeed capable of entering, staying at, and exiting the crouching state. But the blendspace connected to the result node inside the crouching state does not play, it simply gets ignored. And as shown at the end of the gif, there is no animation within that blendspace where the character is standing up, which means that the game is somehow displaying an entirely different set of animations from the ones the state machine is providing it.
For further context, this is a networked game. This post is a follow-up from another.
Thank you very much for any and all reply!