Unable to create a C++ Project in UE5 EA

Hi @Zharay
There is a known problem copied over UE4, basically, UE4, won’t build on vs2019 with having VS2017 installed.

I have converted UE5EA to work with VS2019 and eventually VS2022 Preview.
Another poster has bought this to my problem to my attention.
If you read the post Visual Studio 2022 Preview is 64 bit and compiles and runs UE 5.0 EA approximately 20% FASTER - Development Discussion / Unreal Engine 5 Early Access - Unreal Engine Forums

UE50EA creating templates will generate and executes a BP C++ template using VS2019 and eventually when tested by other developers, will upgrade to VS2022 Preview.

I am an indie developer so there is no timeline for implementing the VS2022 BP C++ version, just test the VS2019 version, which is a great improvement on UE4 2017

I have had progress with removing requirements for the VS2017/VS2015 to be installed.

I WILL NOT be backporting to UE4