Unable to connect to the game.

Reference ID


Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



I tried running the launch session for testing, but it crashed outside the lobby. I checked the log and no errors were reported.

Steps to Reproduce

1 - Open Project UEFN
2 - Press Launch Session button in top
3 - Fortnite will open but it jump to lobby

Expected Result

I don’t know, I was working normally yesterday. I tried checking the internet connection, but everything seems to be working fine

Observed Result

I received a notification when trying to connect using the session on Fortnite: THERE WAS A PROBLEM - Network Connection Lost



Sorry for the inconvenience, I restarted my computer and it’s working fine now. That’s my solution, maybe someone else might try this.