Unable to access nested module

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Creating multiple layers of modules results in access issues.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Have the following directory structure:
  • device.verse
  • TopLevelModuleFolder
    • SubLevelModuleFolder
      • fileInModule.verse
  • Add using { TopLevelModuleFolder.SubLevelModuleFolder } to device.verse

Expected Result

Should be able to access things in fileInModule.verse

Observed Result

fileInModule.verse cannot be accessed due to being “internal” to TopLevelModuleFolder



Additional Notes

There is no way to affect the module access level and change it to public if the module is defined by directory structure. Ideally, I can set both the TopLevelModuleFolder and the SubLevelModuleFolder to both be public somehow, allowing all files in each directory to be easily accessed.

I’ve attempted to add a TopLevelModuleFolder.verse with TopLevelModuleFolder<public> := module {} but that results in an “ambiguous” definition with the folder itself.

Additional info.

Yep the problem is still a bug and should still be addressed. But thank you for referencing the other threads on this.

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