I can’t really see much on your screenshot, except that you have a really nice looking map If you don’t mind, I will add you on skype and try to find what’s the problem
Bought it! Thanks for the system. I’ll implement it to my game tonight and post video.
You might have noticed there was an update for the minimap today. It fixed some spelling mistakes in comments, added a “How to use.txt” in Content/UMGMiniMap/Minimap (you only see it in the windows explorer) and should have fixed incorrect behavior of the minimap if a landscape is used which origins are not at 0/0. Unfortunately I noticed the update did not fix it but instead also introduced a possible bug if no landscape is used. You most probably won’t notice it, but since we have weekend now I can’t submit a new update to Epic at the moment, if you have any problems just contact me and I will send you an updated version or show you how to fix it yourself (it’s actually only one wrong node)
Awesome! Have fun
Your game looks awesome, I’m really curious on how my Minimap will look in it
Minimap easily implemented here.
However I bumped into something.
When I created a photoshoped mask, I was unable to use it within the “UI” widget over “MiniMap_C_9” since UMG does not accept masks.
PS.: I also tried this in “MiniMap” Widget with WholeMap.
What I want: A round-shaped compass format.
I thought in the possibility of rendering this “MiniMap_C_9” object into a texture, then create an UI material to apply the mask over this texture, and finally, using this masked minimap material in a rendering target to be captured and thrown into the UI.
But as you can see, my programming knowledge is very meager, I do not know how to achieve this, or if this is the right way!
The figure shows the working minimap, but… I need it Rounded:eek:
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Hi ,
I’m glad my Minimap is working for you!
Unfortunately, using masks with UMG does not seem to be possible. The only post on this is found was this one from Epic developer from August 2014:
I don’t know whether this changed in the meantime, but it seems round UMG widgets are generally not possible. I would suggest you to go into the feedback forums section and create a feature request for this! If enough people want to have this Epic might implement it
Also, rendering multiple widgets into a texture does not work. Widgets are widgets, and I think it’s generally not possible to generate textures on runtime with UE4.
Thanks for your quick reply. It really is a misfortune UMG without masking. I remember, masks in Scaleform was quite trivial, and indispensable. Since the time of Uscripted Canvas in UDK this was possible also.
For now it should be possible for someone with knowledge in Slate C ++.
Another idea!
About using it as 3D HUD. ie. Creating a circular and plane 3D shape component in the actor blueprint that will serve as bilboard to redering the minimap in 3D space, but always pointing to player’s camera?
The minimap would to serve as a kind of 3D HUD into the game. What do you think? It’s possible?
3D UMG widgets are still experimental and I have not yet used them, so I don’t know whether you could use them for this. If you can get a 3D UMG widget to look like a 2D widget which is added to the viewport ot might work!
Here’s a video of the minimap in action. I must say it’s an incredible tool. First of all sorry for the resolution and low framerate but my machine was crying after a long render and I got this in medium quality settings.
In my game, I did bind the minimap to my base platforms which contain Power Ups. First, I thought I might have some trouble about rotation of the minimap but I encountered none. The levels in the game is very large because the vehicle you fly is very fast and goes long distances in a very short time. But the response of the minimap is extremely good I think. Whenever I fly and rotate my view even in Z coordinates, minimap follows my view very good. It’s also very easy to setup. And also a special thanks to for being a very helpful person in answering some silly questions by me:P
Hi Great map system. I have a few quick questions I’m hoping you’ll be able to answer.
Essentially I want to have a full-screen, fixed map, up being north, in a world without a landscape. So my questions are:
- Where should I enter top left and bottom right world coordinates to specify world dimensions without a landscape?
- How can I set a fixed, specified orientation of the minimap?
- Is there a workflow you would recommend when implementing a fullscreen map or should I simply resize the widget fill the screen?
Also, the package has an ‘add to project’ button in the launcher but doesn’t have the usual ‘select project’ options but instead gives ‘create a project’ options. Is this a mistake?
Hi, dsmunro
About the other questions wait for !
But the latest question, with respect to add to your project, is very simple:
The minimap is only the contents in the folder: Minimap, ***Textures ***(example icons), and ***Blueprints ***(Specifically an example widget called “UI”). The rest are just examples.
Copy into your game only this folders:. “Minimap”, “Textures” and “Blueprint” folder (Specifically the widget called “UI” that is within Blueprint folder). In short words, the whole minimap’s logic is within the “minimap” folder.
Do not forget in casting your Pawn in the minimap, if it is not the default thirdPersonCharacter.
Mine was the old “MyCharacter”, so I had to change it in the minimap.
Great news! It’s a newly added feature in a future build:
EDIT: Ok, my bad, I thought masking and clipping were the same, but I got set straight. These are similar to what you are asking for, but not it. Sorry about that.
In the MiniMapFunctions blueprint where you configure almost anything you have the function GetSizeOfWorld where you just delete all the stuff if you don’t use a landscape and instead manually type the values into the return node.
Setting a fixed orientation is also done in the MiniMapFunctions blueprint, just type your fixed rotation into the return node of the GetFollowRotation function.
If you have a rotation which is either 0,90,180 or 270 you can also tick “FixedEgdes” in the details panel after selecting the Minimap widget in your UI widget. If your player then is at the edge of the level and you configured the Minimap to show the player in the center it will still be at the edge and not in the center. I think this makes sense for having the Minimap in fullscreen.
It’s also described in the HowToUse.txt file in the Minimap content folder, but you can only see this file with the windows explorer. Epic might implement a better way to add documentation in the future
The “Add to project” button is actually a wrong description from Epic, it should be named “Create Project”. As far as I know marketplace (or at least blueprint) content can’t be added to a project directly with one click.
Amazing, Thanks and LunyBunny. I’ll give those a try.
Thanks for your interest;)
It really would be a clipping mask as an alpha channel image
But of course, the proper could be also a rounded or transformed border under the canvas panel.
Today 4.8 was released and the Minimap works in 4.8 without any problems, no need for an update
An update for the minimap was released, the demo level now looks a bit different and includes the new 4.8 mannequin instead of the old blue guy.
I also have added support for negatively scaled landscapes, before you had to manually specify the bounds when using a negatively scaled landscape, now it works automatically
If you like the minimap I would really like to see some ratings and comments on the marketplace, so if you have time for leaving a comment here, I would really appreciate it
Does the minimap work with World Composition? I’m only getting a white image. I did try the minimap on a landscape that did not use World Composition and that works. I could not find an easy solution. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Hi trustme95, have you tried setting the bounds manually in the GetSizeOfWorld function? If not, try it. It should work then. I have not used world composition so I don’t know what’s different compared to regular levels… But setting the bounds manually should work in any edge-case
I came close to getting this to work. I tried many many iterations. The basic overhead minimap works now. However, I cannot add other points to the minimap. Landscape.GetBoxExtent always returns 0,0. This causes a divide by zero error in MovePanel.LocationPure. I tried manually setting HalfSize to the extent of the level, to the full size of the world. But changing HalfSize to something other than 0,0 causes the minimap itself not to render correctly. That divide in Location Convert Pure is of course important.
Do you have any suggestions?
I’ve sent you a PM