I’m having an unusual issue with UMG in my packaged game - with any buttons, only the “Pressed” events are working, while “Clicked” and “Hovered” are not working. The button is also not visually reflecting when being hovered.
This only affects the packaged game, not running the game from the editor or running the game in standalone. The issue happens both when packaging in “Development” config, and also when packaging in “Shipping” config.
The issue didn’t exist for me in 4.19, but appeared after I updated my project to 4.22. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I’m assuming this is either an engine bug, or some configuration issue somewhere with my project. I don’t see why only “Pressed” events would work though, if there’s some problem with receiving input that no event should work.
Ditto here…version 4.25…I have tried everything I can think of. Even the using widget reflector extensively I can’t seem to figure it out. I made an industrial menu and using this hover feature works best(more clearly) but when packaged it does not come even close to working…I have attached two pics. The arrow indicates where the mouse is. I have these buttons set to highlight on hovered and clicked. The one working correctly is the editor view, the other is the packaged…not working correctly…the highlight on hovered is off set on every screen an on highlighting the incorrect button (packaged version) All of this works great in editor mode…