Ahah yes silly me! I’ll give it a shot tomorrow, thanks
Hey guys, the “Modal” setting consumes all input - however includes the dev console. I’d like to be able to open the console while in a modal menu, is possible?
Hi , thanks for the fast reply. What you said worked. I had an with the widget not showing up with Absolute Layout checked, but then I figured out that I had to set the Full Screen Size of the widget to something smaller.
Not currently, open to suggestions as to a good way to allow it though.
can’t find set offset in viewport and set allignment in viewport functions.
are they custom?
Make sure to cast your widget to the same class. Then, you have to drag off of the casted widget (“As Ammo Container UI C” in the example) with Context Sensitive checked to get those functions.
Still no luck. will attempt to post ss
I had the same, the nodes had slightly different names, but ended up working fine anyway. I think they were just “set offset” and “set alignment”.
I used set full screen alignment. that went well.
But when it came to set offsets. i couldn’t find it.
so i ticked off content-sensitive.
Selected it, but its target was canvaspanelslot.
Drawing board we go then.
So i eventually was able to cast from my UI variable to canvaspanelslot.
Thinking i was at a touchdown. The"in offet" is a margin function and screenlocation is a vector2d. .
Again to the drawing board.
So i was able to make margin node and break the vector2d from the screenlocation and so plugged in what i could.
Then i used a print string to see if casting failed. Unfortunately it did.
So back to be drawing board.
I looked at the casting function and it was an object.
so i created a select object node to convert my UI variable to an object and plug into the cast to convaspanelslot. But still casting failed.
at point i’m tired of being tortured. I tried alot of other apparently viable options not listed above.
reminds me of my vb/c++ development days.
atleast with those languages, i get detailed error messages which i use to resolve the.
With its tria…no luck & error! lol
Idk if you can print debug errors to screen in blueprint or if i have to dig into its source.
Anyway i’m exhausted. i planned to setup a dynamic AAA quality UI pack with animations and sound in time for the Marketplace. But i rather go back into 3dmax and work on other projects.
UMG is great but its not there yet. maybe in 4.5. But i’m tired of being tortured.
Guys I have just created a new Blank C++ project to test UMG. However when I right click to create new ‘Widget Blueprint’, no such thing appears under User Interface. There are still two choices Slate Brush and Slate Widget Style.
Could anyone help me please?
Go to your editor preferences and then to the experimentL section and turn on UMG( you need to restart your editor afterwards)
mentioned the screenshot is how he did it on the , so the naming and availabity of nodes are probably different. Are you also on the branch? Maybe thats the?
Awesome! Thanks a lot @
I am having a similar problem to JasonW. I tried to follow your recommendation, and I added a custom event that had an input of a “LevelScriptActor” since that was the parent class for Example_Map_C. Then I can’t figure out how to “Send a reference to self from the level blueprint which is creating the widget to the widget.” Anything you can do to help. I apologize, I am fairly new to unreal, and even more so to UMG.
@ (P.S You guy’s should enable mentions)
One thing you might want to add is the ability to use the Arrow Keys in the designer so you can precisely opposed to using just the Mouse. It’d really help a lot, also maybe you’re starting to move the widget around you can get rid of the green highlight around it. Makes it a bit hard to get things into the place you want only to see they’re off a little bit.
How do you setup the viewport box? It only has spawn and get world viewport.
Edit: I played a round with it a little bit: http://i.imgur.com/iP5q96h.jpg
Looks really good for a portrait of an RTS. If only I knew how to increase the rendering quality inside the box. @_@
Created a simple widget with one canvas and one button.
In my player controller used Add To Viewport.
Setting modal to true will disable the keyboard input as expected, but the mouse input on actors (Actor: onClicked) still gets fired.
Is a bug or a ?
@S0T0 Noted. Thanks.
@Valkon Viewport has a lot of work ahead of it, it was more or less just a proof of concept.
@Wolfsblut Bug. Fixed in ML. If you throw down a Border as the root widget you it is hit test visible and can absorb all the clicks.
Hey , are you planning to allow text to be parented to images?
Also it would be convenient if we could ‘fill’ a panel/canvas/vertical box, etc. with a 9 sliced picture directly.
So I finally figured out that while I had to make my widget a UserWidget, I had to cast it to my specific class before I could access the Event that allowed me to pass it the reference.