Unlike everyone else. I have been trying to get the animation part to work.
Trying to animate for example the button size.
Alternate is simply changing the box size using BP just like set opacity and color.
There is a function that changes size. But it doesn’t work.
Nor does sequencer animation works.
Also the sequencer is a trial and error kinda thing. Nothing is obvious, its almost encrypted.
I would suggest having a keying symbol next to the attributes that can be animated like in after .
Basically AE is a perfect example when it comes to UI animation.
Having had alot of experience in AE, I thought sequencer would be a breaze but sadly. Sequencer I have spent hours trying to get it to work after keying the button sizes. it just doesn’t work.
And also its work flow is not self explanatory, its cryptic.
Basically i want to animate button size or atleast change it dynamically during runtime.
would further help in my implementation of menu in/out transitions.
I cant even touch transitions until i can get basic animation work.