UMG Documentation for 4.4 Preview

No UMG doesn’t seem to be the problem. My save/load system wasn’t something experimental, was a normal game system that seems to be destroyed cause Epic desided to change things around again.

Thanks for the modal tip

Anyone know to to properly prepare texture for borders?

//and why I can’t add more things into border? :expressionless:

//UMG is really lacking normal examples without placeholder defaults which comes with it.

Suggestions for @

  1. The ability to select copy and paste keyframes.

  2. The ability to edit keyframes from right clicking it and choosing edit which prompts you like in AE

  3. The ability to create folders to enable animation grouping. (The animation browser becomes a mess when you have quiet a few animations)
    ex. all the anim associated with ‘play game button’ would be in a single folder.

  4. The ability to play animations from reverse(idk if can be done in blueprint if so i would like to know how, thx)

  5. Make Timeline UX better, its very un-intuitive. Add variant zooming (looks like there is none other than clicking in the start/end boundary for auto zoom)

I believe those are a must have to speed up the process in 4.6

Last of all

  1. how about adding variables to the animation that can then be assigned through blueprint.
    ex. a simple hover Animation right now would have to be recreated for every button in a menu. is very time consuming.
    So if you have 7 buttons for a main menu, you need 7 sets of animations for their hover. If you have other like pressed . you need another 7 set of animations.
    When you add the buttons in each of the other pages like settings page. The numbers are compounded.

Since Epic is tackling UI, might aswell go all in. can’t half as* it now

You can end up with 50 different animation for a simple menu system.
Your animation browser would look a mess and so will your blueprint graph where all of it is controlled.

Only I can’t change Text Block font in 4.5? ( )

I love thread but it will likely grow to infinity if we let it :slight_smile: So we’re going to lock it so new issues / questions get their own threads - will make it easier for users to find when searching. Got a new bug? Head to AnswerHub, got a general question/wana show something off? New Forum post!
