There are no concept of presets currently, any preassembled widgets would need to be user widgets. I’ve considered it for future versions, but it really all depends on the direction we go with styling widgets. The current system is more of a short to mid term stop gap until we have time to flesh a system that allows designers to build reusable styling presets for common controls.
Sounds good. But wasn’t necessary proposing a but more as my personal project to create a specialized menu editor.
Looks like getting my hands dirty in c++ is the only way forward.
Ah - consider making reusable widgets people can just drag and drop into the designer, and you may be able to explore areas we need to make the designer more extensible.
Using the 4.5 preview through Visual Studio. UMG crashes every 2 mins. Literally unbearable.
Will check back when the official 4.5 is released. If nothing changes.
Unsubscribing to concentrate on on other things till Infiltrator demo is released/ UMG & Sequencer becomes stable.
Can you describe what you were doing when it crashed?
acouple came when i was trying to reorder a border inside a vertical box in the hierarchy tab.
Didn’t know that wasn’t possible. It quickly stalled and then crashed.
Others came when caully changing settings like color and padding for textblock/borders.
Will try one more time and see if one of them gives me a error message (most didn’t).
Add to Viewport has changed and doesn’t have “absolute layout, modal, show cursor” so my mouse_down doesn’t work.
Does controller input work because i have heard rumors that it doesn’t
3.When trying to use sequencer to animate. There are a few problems. When you key a value.
You can’t expand the key-frame on the time line. You should be able to expand it and it automatically create another key-frame for you at the end. You shouldn’t have to key-frame it again or just hide the extender altogether.
Because Trying to expand it causes it to flicker and sometimes disappear.
Tested a few times and its the case.
- it would help if you can right click the key-frame symbol like in after effect and edit the value. It seems like once you key a value you can’t edit it unless you delete it. If you can right now then its not very obvious or practical.
Buried in the release notes
Added To Viewport – Modal, Show Cursor and Absolute Layout flags have been removed! Absolute Layout is now automatically determined if you manually attempt to position/size it after placing it in the viewport. Cursor and Modal options are now controlled through the Player Controller with the new function “Set Input Mode”.
Not a rumor, controller support and keyboard support (for the purposes of navigation) is slated for 4.6.
Just to make sure I understand, you want to be able to just use a modifier key or something to essentially duplicate a keyframe in order to generate new key data at some other time?
If you move the time slider to the keyframe marker, and adjust the value in the property grid, with auto-keyframe enabled it will update the value. It needs to be improved so that you can just click on the key frame and have the time slider warp it there for editing purposes.
Getting Mouse Position when Modal is on?
Hi I am making a UI where I need to get the mouse position when the UI is up. I am using the Get Player Controller - Get MousePosition Delta, but I returns zero when I add my Widget to viewport. I have modal turned on. Is the a different BP node when using UMG?
Thanks. I was able to sort out the “set input mode”.
Also about duplicating keyframe i guess you can say that. But having used AE, their UX design when it comes to keyframing is superb.
Also error message occurs every-time i try to delink the ‘reset’ of do-once.
Are there any documents referring to drag-and-drop operations? I’d like to know how to drag buttons around (In game)
If somebody would point me into the right direction I’d appreciate it.
Ran into the drag & drop functions in the blueprint.wont be touching that anytime soon.
But is a question about it being answered on answer hub.
Anyway, i have a few comments on UMG.
Is there are way to Asynchronously play an animation, when animation my menu, i ran into some hitches while using vertical box.
of-course changing the border in a vertical box would cause other borders in the box to move. only way to prevent it is some perform multiple animations with an ASync functions. -
Is there a function like the one for timeline to play an animation in reverse, if not, it would be a great addition.
Zooming in on the timeline is literally world war III, there’s a 1 in 1,000 of it actually working. Then when it does work, you’re like, what did i do?
it definitely frustrating when you are attempting to create unique and identical animations throughout various objects.
To be continued…
EDIT: Hold + Click dark bars with numerical numbers on timeline and slide from right to left. Okay now to figure out the zoom button.
Thanks for your help! I’m afraid I’m still unable to achieve any useful effect following that paragraph. Does anybody have any more information on the drag & drop utility? How to set it up?
is it possible to follow tutorial (A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums) with 4.5?
thank you
Yes, it works as a charm.
thank you I’ll try another time
Unreal Engine 4.5 has messed up pretty much everything I’ve made with UMG. Okay I have to do the inputs again instead of binding, which is fine. However, it doesn’t work with my save system anymore.
All it does now is just remove the widget. I do not understand how the changes made to UMG can mess up system
@Penhoat Does it work if you remove the “Remove from Viewport” node?
No it doesn’t work, it just crashes cause open level without remove from viewport still makes it crash.
Edit: Any way to still add modal? casue I’ve made tutorial screens, but now the player kan still walk with the UMG screen up, modal fixed that
Edit2: Seems Unreal Engine 4.5 just destroyed my whole save/load system. Loving these updates…
UMG stuff is flagged as “Experimental”. Don’t make any assumption until it’s officially gold.