I’m experiencing some wierd shadows on my revolving door actor. The global illumination is currently set to “none” in my project settings and in the post process as well. How can I fix this, like smooth the shadow or increase the quality of it?
If you don’t have any GI enabled, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re seeing strange lighting, but it doesn’t look like you have any sort of shadowing happening at all, so I would first fix that. Beyond that though, I’m not sure there’s much you can do, because that sort of fast moving, occluding geometry isn’t handled well by many kinds of lighting systems. What’s the desired effect?
Could it be due to the setting “Affect Distance Field Lighting” on the mesh? Unchecking it on another forum thread removed strange artifacts of a similar type.
Thank you for fixing my issue! It did some interesting tweaking with the shadow casting itself, but it’s definitely a solution to my ugly shadow problem.